QoS on Edgerouter Lite
@Romo said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
Can regular http file downloads even be tagged/categorized as something different than regular web browsing?
Not likely - It's likely all HTTPS so the Edgerouter can't tell what's happening. You'd need an application level firewall and MitM setup so the firewall could see the traffic and make decisions based on those things.
@Dashrender said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
@Romo said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
Can regular http file downloads even be tagged/categorized as something different than regular web browsing?
Not likely - It's likely all HTTPS so the Edgerouter can't tell what's happening. You'd need an application level firewall and MitM setup so the firewall could see the traffic and make decisions based on those things.
Yeah, all that traffic is likely to appear the same. Very little for QoS to do.
Snappy web apps is a question of primarily latency, while download speed is a question of bandwidth over long time.
I don't know if it's possible on the Edgerouter to set a bandwidth limit per user (IP address), for instance during working hours. But if it's possible it will solve the problem because one user can't hog all the capacity.
@Pete-S said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
I don't know if it's possible on the Edgerouter to set a bandwidth limit per user (IP address), for instance during working hours. But if it's possible it will solve the problem because one user can't hog all the capacity.
Ideally what he's like is QoS to de-prioritize traffic to and from that one machine so that only that one user has to wait for others. That way he gets all the bandwidth when needed, and scales back if someone else needs something.
The problem with limiting him is that a whole department waits on that download that he does. So while he cripples the network, slowing him down would cripple the team.
@scottalanmiller said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
The problem with limiting him is that a whole department waits on that download that he does. So while he cripples the network, slowing him down would cripple the team.
That wasn't mentioned in any post.
But if it's a recurring thing, why are the files not downloaded during the night?
Or if it has to be during the day, isn't it possible in the Edgerouter do de-prioritize based on IP for the server, desktop or wherever the download is happening?
@Pete-S said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
But if it's a recurring thing, why are the files not downloaded during the night?
I asked that today
They used to be, but they switched. I'm wanting to find out why.
@Pete-S said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
Or if it has to be during the day, isn't it possible in the Edgerouter do de-prioritize based on IP for the server, desktop or wherever the download is happening?
It should be able to do that, I agree.
Just setup a traffic-policy shaper to test:
20% bandwidth for voip guaranteed with a ceiling of 100% bandwidth
30% bandwidth for USERS PC guaranteed with a ceiling of 100% bandwidth
50% bandwidth for ALL others guaranteed with a ceiling of 100% bandwidthDoes this sound reasonable?
@Romo said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
Just setup a traffic-policy shaper to test:
20% bandwidth for voip guaranteed with a ceiling of 100% bandwidth
30% bandwidth for USERS PC guaranteed with a ceiling of 100% bandwidth
50% bandwidth for ALL others guaranteed with a ceiling of 100% bandwidthDoes this sound reasonable?
if you parse off 50% for those things and they aren't in use, then the bandwidth is just being wasted... I know scott has mentioned that doing this is generally bad in the past because of the waste of resources.
@Dashrender said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
@Romo said in QoS on Edgerouter Lite:
Just setup a traffic-policy shaper to test:
20% bandwidth for voip guaranteed with a ceiling of 100% bandwidth
30% bandwidth for USERS PC guaranteed with a ceiling of 100% bandwidth
50% bandwidth for ALL others guaranteed with a ceiling of 100% bandwidthDoes this sound reasonable?
if you parse off 50% for those things and they aren't in use, then the bandwidth is just being wasted... I know scott has mentioned that doing this is generally bad in the past because of the waste of resources.
You don't read clearly. He's talking minimum guarantee at 20/30/50 and max possible when available at 100 for all.