From the setting up a server page:
Residential Internet connections tend to be unreliable and also have less upload speed.
What kind of connection is required for a few players?
From the setting up a server page:
Residential Internet connections tend to be unreliable and also have less upload speed.
What kind of connection is required for a few players?
The same kind of upload you would use for MineCraft.
Being on ComCrap with 2.5 mb up ain't gonna work
it looks like it's not quite up to MC in features, but interesting.
@DustinB3403 said in Mintest:
From the setting up a server page:
Residential Internet connections tend to be unreliable and also have less upload speed.
What kind of connection is required for a few players?
The same kind of upload you would use for MineCraft.
Being on ComCrap with 2.5 mb up ain't gonna work
I've never played before, I have no idea what kind of resources it requires lol :man_shrugging: I've always wanted to try it, just haven't for whatever reason.
I have a DL360 G7 at home, with 100/15 internet, would I be able to host a world for a couple players?
@DustinB3403 said in Mintest:
From the setting up a server page:
Residential Internet connections tend to be unreliable and also have less upload speed.
What kind of connection is required for a few players?
The same kind of upload you would use for MineCraft.
Being on ComCrap with 2.5 mb up ain't gonna work
I've never played before, I have no idea what kind of resources it requires lol :man_shrugging: I've always wanted to try it, just haven't for whatever reason.
I have a DL360 G7 at home, with 100/15 internet, would I be able to host a world for a couple players?
For maybe 5 players or so, yeah.
@DustinB3403 said in Mintest:
From the setting up a server page:
Residential Internet connections tend to be unreliable and also have less upload speed.
What kind of connection is required for a few players?
The same kind of upload you would use for MineCraft.
Being on ComCrap with 2.5 mb up ain't gonna work
I've never played before, I have no idea what kind of resources it requires lol :man_shrugging: I've always wanted to try it, just haven't for whatever reason.
I have a DL360 G7 at home, with 100/15 internet, would I be able to host a world for a couple players?
yeah- but the sound and electricity wouldn't be worth it. A more modern box would cost you so much less in the long run.
it looks like it's not quite up to MC in features, but interesting.
Depends on what you consider features. Open, fast, just works, can run your own server.
I've only played with it for a minute, but "official" MineCrap is pretty awful. The basics are so flaky or they block the key features. Looks like it's Minecraft that needs to catch up.
Looks interesting. Free is always good.
redstone for one is missing. There seem to be mods that add some of that back, but not everything. Also, nether and the end.
redstone for one is missing. There seem to be mods that add some of that back, but not everything. Also, nether and the end.
So while I can agree that some things are missing, there are alternative approaches through mods in the game.
MineCraft doesn't have Mese Blocks therefore that game is lacking
And in MC i can only dig or build 256 blocks deep. What is this, child's play. Minetest I can go 31000 blocks up or down!
@DustinB3403 said in Minetest:
And in MC i can only dig or build 256 blocks deep. What is this, child's play. Minetest I can go 31000 blocks up or down!
that part intrigues me
Imagine that ladder climb. . . FML lol. .
honestly, that part alone makes me want to try this. I always thought 256 was way way too short. It totally throws off the scale of things, and that fact that worlds were +/-30 million in X and Z made it even more distorted. I know there was the cubic chunks mod in MC, but as I understand it, lighting is a big part of why MC does't have a taller limit currently. I always wanted Large mountains, but even the ones that look good in MC still aren't really that tall IRL.
@DustinB3403 said in Minetest:
And in MC i can only dig or build 256 blocks deep. What is this, child's play. Minetest I can go 31000 blocks up or down!
What a difference THAT will make!
from what i read, the minetest worlds are 60k cubed. I can't think of any good reason to even go out that far on a standard MC map. The vertical distance is a big deal.
The more I read, the more I like. Ultimately, it's just a way for me and the boys to enjoy spending time together. We also play a lot of board games and card games.
I just played for a second on my cell and it's a bit rough there for Android.
Looks like it needs to be updated.