QEMU Get Guest IP
QEMU has a guest agent like other hypervisors. If you have the guest agent you can get some info out of the guest directly from the host. Here's a way to get the IP address from the guest:
virsh qemu-agent-command $guest '{"execute":"guest-network-get-interfaces"}' | python -mjson.tool
This spits out some json:
{ "return": [ { "hardware-address": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "ip-addresses": [ { "ip-address": "", "ip-address-type": "ipv4", "prefix": 8 }, { "ip-address": "::1", "ip-address-type": "ipv6", "prefix": 128 } ], "name": "lo" }, { "hardware-address": "52:54:00:1b:3a:ba", "ip-addresses": [ { "ip-address": "", "ip-address-type": "ipv4", "prefix": 24 }, { "ip-address": "fe80::5054:ff:fe1b:3aba", "ip-address-type": "ipv6", "prefix": 64 } ], "name": "eth0" } ] }
After looking around, you don't have to pass commands to QEMU directly. You can do the same thing using virsh and the domifaddr command:
[jhooks@kvm ~]$ sudo virsh domifaddr gluster1 --source agent Name MAC address Protocol Address ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lo 00:00:00:00:00:00 ipv4 - - ipv6 ::1/128 eth0 52:54:00:50:d0:77 ipv4 - - ipv6 fe80::5054:ff:fe50:d077/64
This is a little nicer since it doesn't spit out a ton of JSON to parse through. However, this means the last few hours I've spent trying to get Ansible to read just the one hardware address was for nothing.
But you learned something along the way.