What Are You Doing Right Now
Wondering how long I should wait to ask the company if they made a decision. They said they'd make a choice between me and the two other guys by early to mid of this week.
Working on Sharepoint migration from 2010 to 2013, just need to finish this and start my weekend!
Crazy day, 9.30 PM here
Trying out Coke Life for the first time. Not all that good.
Munch Museum was nice. We scored big time, the Van Gogh exhibit was there! Tons of top stuff. Figured out that I'm not impressed by Munch, he seems sloppy and unintentional.
@scottalanmiller said:
Trying out Coke Life for the first time. Not all that good.
I really like it. So much better for you than anything diet. And at least here in the states being able to get coke with out corn syrup is impossible. I also love Zivia pop so I guess it takes some getting used to.
Sadly it has an aftertaste.
This day/night is getting better!
Got a new project that needs to be done in 2 weeks. 3 tier SP 2013 setup with redundancy! More testing and learning, the fun continues..
Just saw the LG G4 online, very interesting. Considering strongly for my next phone.
Testing out Fanta Exotic now.
@MattSpeller said:
Just saw the LG G4 online, very interesting. Considering strongly for my next phone.
I have the LG G3, so far it has been a fantastic phone... with phenomenal battery life.
@coliver I've got the nexus5 which is very similar. I dislike the non-replaceable battery and lack of SD slot. Both seem to be corrected in the G4.
Do you know if the G4 will be waterproof/resistant at all? I didnt see mention of it in the article on el'reg.
@MattSpeller said:
@coliver I've got the nexus5 which is very similar. I dislike the non-replaceable battery and lack of SD slot. Both seem to be corrected in the G4.
Do you know if the G4 will be waterproof/resistant at all? I didnt see mention of it in the article on el'reg.
I doubt it will be any more or less than any other phone in its class. Not like the Galaxy S6 or Galaxy Active were.
@coliver good point
The Active apparently wasn't really resistant many people found out. It failed more often than it worked.
@thecreativeone91 said:
The Active apparently wasn't really resistant many people found out. It failed more often than it worked.
I read about that. My friend had one, and when he had a few too many beverages he would drop it in a mug and not retrieve it until the surrounding liquid was gone. Surprisingly it never failed on him.
@coliver said:
I read about that. My friend had one, and when he had a few too many beverages he would drop it in a mug and not retrieve it until the surrounding liquid was gone. Surprisingly it never failed on him.
That's pretty funny but you shouldn't encourage liquid abuse like that. I would imagine that cellphone did not impart anything of worth to the flavour of the beverage.
And cell phones are like the dirtiest things you come into contact with all day. That's not healthy.
@mlnews said:
And cell phones are like the dirtiest things you come into contact with all day. That's not healthy.
I suppose putting it in your drink all of the time would clean it better than most, though.
@Minion-Queen said:
@scottalanmiller said:
Trying out Coke Life for the first time. Not all that good.
I really like it. So much better for you than anything diet. And at least here in the states being able to get coke with out corn syrup is impossible. I also love Zivia pop so I guess it takes some getting used to.
So drink pepsi and that problem goes away.