What Are You Doing Right Now
Nintendoland with the kids.
@eddiejennings said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Going through Spiceworks to see if I can contribute anything.
I saw you tagged me
but like here so I was relying on my alerts since I wasn’t really tagged lol.
Good morning.
This place is super quiet today.
Making the morning coffee.
Watching movie with the kids. Also, upgrading SuiteCRM to the latest 7.10.2.
Looking up wireless NICs for my desktop while I wait on a student.
Basking in the warm glow of my first Hyper-v host with Fedora 27 WS percolating away on it.
Times like these keep me in this field. -
@dominica is off to get some paint. We are planning on painting the kids' room this weekend. It is a horrible dark brown right now, so dark. Some renters that we had painted it that colour. It's not "bad" per se but it is ridiculously dark. So the new colour is a light blue.
We have a Comcast outage in Georgia. They've been down over nine hours now. This is the fourth "day long" outage there for us in just a few weeks.
This is why we need the FCC to actually do something. There is no oversight of these companies at all with Pai getting all his kickbacks.
Got up and got right to gardening.
Comcast is still down, argh.
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hopefully you requested that.
Liesl is planting herbs from seed, now.
Playing guitar and doing car maintenance.
Been out in the garden.
My iPhone 7+ has been on 1% battery for like 15 hours now! And I just keep on using it.
Taking down a shelf.