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My personal Scott quote of the day: "Democracy is the political belief that the means justify the ends."
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My personal Scott quote of the day: "Democracy is the political belief that the means justify the ends."
Ain't that the truth.
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My personal Scott quote of the day: "Democracy is the political belief that the means justify the ends."
Ain't that the truth.
It's really how they teach it too. We worship the system and glorify it as being more important than the results that it produces. It's like a class where we care that they did the work but don't care if they answer is any good.
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My personal Scott quote of the day: "Democracy is the political belief that the means justify the ends."
Ain't that the truth.
It's really how they teach it too. We worship the system and glorify it as being more important than the results that it produces. It's like a class where we care that they did the work but don't care if they answer is any good.
Are we talking about in education or as citizens in general?
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My personal Scott quote of the day: "Democracy is the political belief that the means justify the ends."
Ain't that the truth.
It's really how they teach it too. We worship the system and glorify it as being more important than the results that it produces. It's like a class where we care that they did the work but don't care if they answer is any good.
Are we talking about in education or as citizens in general?
It's what Americans are taught.
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My personal Scott quote of the day: "Democracy is the political belief that the means justify the ends."
Ain't that the truth.
It's really how they teach it too. We worship the system and glorify it as being more important than the results that it produces. It's like a class where we care that they did the work but don't care if they answer is any good.
Are we talking about in education or as citizens in general?
It's what Americans are taught.
My first though is to change your last sentence to it's HOW Americans are taught as well... "Don't worry about getting the right answer, just tell us how your came up with yours..."
The problem we have is "many of them [people] are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it..."
Whether they think the system is good or bad is irrelevant.
Much to my surprise, a conversation is actually happening, though not with the actual vendor.
@EddieJennings said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Much to my surprise, a conversation is actually happening, though not with the actual vendor.
Pretty inane conversation in that thread, though.
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My personal Scott quote of the day: "Democracy is the political belief that the means justify the ends."
Ain't that the truth.
It's really how they teach it too. We worship the system and glorify it as being more important than the results that it produces. It's like a class where we care that they did the work but don't care if they answer is any good.
Are we talking about in education or as citizens in general?
It's what Americans are taught.
Okay, so as citizens. You are correct. Many Americans believe in living for themselves, individualistic, instead of as a community, such as other cultures, such as Oriental cultures. If we are not caring for each other and only caring for ourselves, then we have no community. We are just people living in the same town.
Here, you are talking more about consequentialism instead of deontology. "Ends justify the means". Robbing a bank is okay as long as I tithe my 10%. This is an exaggeration, but you get the point.
Deontology teaches us that we need to live within our moral constraints, whether it be the Bible, or some other believe system. In other words, we can't donate money that has been stolen because stealing is bad. Thou shall not steal (Exodus 20:15).
My personal belief is that the household has started to decay. As generations come and go, morals have become less and less prevalent. How many households still have their biological father in them? How many kids still live one, if not both, of their biological parents? How many children are being raised by a family member that is not their biological parent?
I'm not meaning to start a religious/political conversation here.
@EddieJennings said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Much to my surprise, a conversation is actually happening, though not with the actual vendor.
Basically Sage doesn't see their own product as production ready. It's a hobby class product. I would post a link to this in there...
@dafyre said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My personal Scott quote of the day: "Democracy is the political belief that the means justify the ends."
Ain't that the truth.
It's really how they teach it too. We worship the system and glorify it as being more important than the results that it produces. It's like a class where we care that they did the work but don't care if they answer is any good.
Are we talking about in education or as citizens in general?
It's what Americans are taught.
My first though is to change your last sentence to it's HOW Americans are taught as well... "Don't worry about getting the right answer, just tell us how your came up with yours..."
The problem we have is "many of them [people] are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it..."
Whether they think the system is good or bad is irrelevant.
You're sounding like Morpheus from The Matrix.
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@EddieJennings said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Much to my surprise, a conversation is actually happening, though not with the actual vendor.
Pretty inane conversation in that thread, though.
But a conversation nonetheless. I wouldn't care so much if we didn't maintain Sage Business Care. I so want to virtualize our Sage server, but not if it means when Sage breaks we get zero support.
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My personal belief is that the household has started to decay. As generations come and go, morals have become less and less prevalent.
I'd argue very much the opposite. Moral decay is not what we see, we see a society more and more concerned with morality and holding it to a higher and higher standard.
@scottalanmiller Please hold, while I go do some learnin'
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
It's what Americans are taught.
Okay, so as citizens. You are correct. Many Americans believe in living for themselves, individualistic, instead of as a community, such as other cultures, such as Oriental cultures. If we are not caring for each other and only caring for ourselves, then we have no community. We are just people living in the same town.
That's not what I mean. I mean that Americans are literally taught that the concept of voting is what is important, not the political outcome of the vote. That voting is the value, not what we vote for. It's literally the belief of democracy as a religion.
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@dafyre said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
My personal Scott quote of the day: "Democracy is the political belief that the means justify the ends."
Ain't that the truth.
It's really how they teach it too. We worship the system and glorify it as being more important than the results that it produces. It's like a class where we care that they did the work but don't care if they answer is any good.
Are we talking about in education or as citizens in general?
It's what Americans are taught.
My first though is to change your last sentence to it's HOW Americans are taught as well... "Don't worry about getting the right answer, just tell us how your came up with yours..."
The problem we have is "many of them [people] are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it..."
Whether they think the system is good or bad is irrelevant.
You're sounding like Morpheus from The Matrix.
Ding ding ding ding! We have a winner!
@NerdyDad said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
How many households still have their biological father in them? How many kids still live one, if not both, of their biological parents? How many children are being raised by a family member that is not their biological parent?
We are the first era to know who the biological father was. It's believed that the family unit is strengthening, not decaying. The past wasn't that idealogical. You can make lots of fine arguments that family units are not strong. but I don't think that you can make that argument in the relative sense to the past.
We are, for example, the generation with the lowest teen pregnancy rates, ever. So many assumed social problems of the past are effectively gone today. The past wasn't the rosy place that we imagine, not one hundred years ago, not a thousand years ago.
ah the joys of what to do right now,..
Sort out a VPN issue
oh yea,.... lunch... Oh look,.. there is a chair by the deck door,.. I'll sit out and watch it rain... ohhhh the quiet sounds of drizzle rain. -
@gjacobse said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
oh yea,.... lunch... Oh look,.. there is a chair by the deck door,.. I'll sit out and watch it rain... ohhhh the quiet sounds of drizzle rain.
*startles back to awareness*: Crap lunch is over and I'm late to start working on the VPN, and my phone is ringing.