Troubles with HP
Still working? You could do something to pound on the HD from the LiveCD to see if that is generating any errors.
OK - let's talk this through. Let's assume there are no errors generated when pounding on the HD, now what?
I need to be able to boot reliably from the HD (which is failing off and on) and have Windows (specifically the mouse) be responsive.
Suggestions on ways to pound on the drive other than downloading a large file?
@Dashrender said:
OK - let's talk this through. Let's assume there are no errors generated when pounding on the HD, now what?
Likely not the HD controller then.
@Dashrender said:
Suggestions on ways to pound on the drive other than downloading a large file?
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
OK - let's talk this through. Let's assume there are no errors generated when pounding on the HD, now what?
Likely not the HD controller then.
sure, not HD controller, but where would I go from there? what do I fix to solve my problem? And what should I use to beat on the HD? Just start a large download?
FYI, the trackpad does seem to be working fine in Ubuntu Live.
Did the trackpad not work nicely in windows?
This sounds like cold solder joints + heat + flexing - don't know what to say about the trackpad
If different OSes work, there is a very real possibility that it is a driver issue.
Moving the mouse around the screen worked flawlessly, but clicking provided HUGE delays 2-3 seconds. This is/was the original issue. I doubt it's bad solider joints.
After the second time sending it in for repair, that when the HDD boot errors began. They are much worse when the system has been running for 15 mins +.
I wouldn't expect a driver problem to cause the HDD error provide bootable media.
OK, for those that tossed out drivers.
I've reinstalled Windows 7 from MS provided ISO. During the setup, the keyboard was occasionally unresponsive, as well as clicking the mouse.
Now inside the OS with no non OS provided drivers, the mouse moves just fine, but the system is super slow to respond to clicks. Clicking 10 times in the same spot brings the window into a "not responding" state.
Probably could just install Linux rather then using it Live only. Would be it on the HD and make it work the same way as Windows.
How did the keyboard and mouse function with the live version of Linux? did it respond decently>?
@gjacobse said:
How did the keyboard and mouse function with the live version of Linux? did it respond decently>?
Yes, after which I reinstalled Windows 7 x64 Pro with only the HP NIC driver - same ol' problems with mouse and performance.
IF i get down rebuilding the cryptowall machine tomorrow I'll see about installing Ubuntu on this problem laptop and see what it does.
Site was offline for a bit, did you get a chance to install Ubuntu?
@scottalanmiller said:
Site was offline for a bit, did you get a chance to install Ubuntu?
No, I've been remote working today pulling that infected machine out of service, and solving others issues since i was there.