Alpha Stage Testing
Anyone who has been on the fence has a chance to score extra swag if you sign up and download for the first stage before 1pm tomorrow afternoon!
We going to are randomly giving away $100 amazon gift cards to alpha participants. To enter the Friday drawing, you must message me for more details, download the software and send a screen shot, to a to be disclosed email address, before 6pm on Friday. For the weekend drawing they have to be in by 6pm Sunday, and then again 6pm Monday for a third drawing. We’ll pick winners after the deadline on each drawing day. Anyone who sends a screenshot will automatically be entered in the following drawings, so you have the best chance if you send us a screenshot for Friday’s.
Cant scrape enough hardware together, but good luck!
Do you have at least 4 desktops/servers/Vm's? -
@Minion-Queen Not that I could get together in time
Remember to join in, or if you already are part of the testing, to get your screen shots in before 6pm tonight to enter for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card!
@Minion-Queen said:
We going to are randomly giving away $100 amazon gift cards to alpha participants. To enter the Friday drawing, you must message me for more details, download the software and send a screen shot, to a to be disclosed email address, before 6pm on Friday. For the weekend drawing they have to be in by 6pm Sunday, and then again 6pm Monday for a third drawing. We’ll pick winners after the deadline on each drawing day. Anyone who sends a screenshot will automatically be entered in the following drawings, so you have the best chance if you send us a screenshot for Friday’s.
I feel that I must disqualify myself. Doesn't seem quite fair to have my name in the pot.
Looking for 2 more participants. Anyone?
@Minion-Queen too late for a chance at a reward? I let this one slip when I went on holidays
If you can install today or tomorrow you can get in on it! There is lots of swag left!
@Minion-Queen define "today" haha - I've got some stuff booked tonight but I'll see if I can get enough VM's fired up
in the next 24 hours
So, as it's past 5pm here, I guess the majority of "today" will take place tomorrow?
My install has failed for some reason, I'll have to find out why!
that's what the Skype chat is for!