How to Deal with a Manager on a Power Trip
Singing? Really?
Basically what you're saying is that your Sales Manager is a bit of a dick, enjoys a power trip, really likes his food, and flirts around young staff members, right?
That pretty much describes every Sales Manager I've ever worked with. My advice is to suck it up. And stop singing at work!
First world employment problems
@scottalanmiller said:
@coliver said:
@scottalanmiller said:
Singing... talking about food.... I wish offices I worked in were not full of people gambling and discussing sports. but that's how work is.
Ughhh... all offices are like that? I just thought ours was unique since we are in the sports industry.
All of the big ones that I have been in devolve to sports and gambling.
I guess it's good I work for whom I work for. I'm the only one who really gambles. Our conversations devolve into why I have a grand sitting on my desk in $20s. I tell them it's because I'm gonna make it rain, then hit someone with it.
Where's the power trip? He's the boss. He gets to do what he wants. Sounds like you just have an issues with him being a boss or rather you want his position.
@thecreativeone91 said:
Where's the power trip? He's the boss. He gets to do what he wants. Sounds like you just have an issues with him being a boss or rather you want his position.
I believe I have mentioned this more than one to AJ.
Suck it up boy.
I think it would be a real problem if your manager was intentionally sabotaging your work/position by falsely accusing you of things and setting you up to fail.
With management, there is a level of respect that should be followed - he's your manager, do what he asks (so long as it is within reason - the singing thing? That's really not an issue, but it sounds like you were provoking him). If it is affecting your job in a real, quantifiable way (and can be proven), then I would say something. Otherwise, it sounds like nitpicking - suck it up and wait for the right situation to complain about.
With all this said, if you and the manager don't get along, maybe it's time to find a place that is more compatible with your work style/ethic. If you can't change the culture, and it's unlikely that a manager would leave, then it's not going to be a place you are going to thrive in. The guy obviously doesn't like you, and it sounds like he might be trolling you.
Finally, I know everyone else is thinking it, but posting here about your workplace isn't a good idea. You could be in breach of some hardly known 'electronic communication policy' - I've seen people get fired for stuff like that.
@Rob-Dunn said:
Finally, I know everyone else is thinking it, but posting here about your workplace isn't a good idea. You could be in breach of some hardly known 'electronic communication policy' - I've seen people get fired for stuff like that.
I think we all just kinda got tired of repeating ourselves at this point.
@Rob-Dunn said:
Finally, I know everyone else is thinking it, but posting here about your workplace isn't a good idea.
The rest of us just gave up repeating it.
I'll just leave this here:
@thanksajdotcom Sounds to me like the problem is you.
@thanksajdotcom Here is my honest opinions and advice.
Scenario 1
I wouldn't take this the manager not thinking you know your stuff. You have to remember you aren't the only one that works there. It may be a friendly reminder he says to everyone. I would not take any offense to that at all. What you said in response definitely came off as aggressive. Nowhere did I see him questioning your experience and/or your ability to do your job.
Scenario 2
In your response your qualms seem to be circumstantial. You say he is LITERALLY doing nothing, He hits on girls in their 20s, and does not help the older women. All this is going through your head and pissing you off. So you go and make a big deal out of the smallest conversational piece. Your manager and the other co-worker have no idea why you are going off on them about something so trivial. The real reason is all in your head. How are they supposed to know? Then you get upset when he just mirrors the same type of thing you did to him. I don't understand how this is his fault?
Seems to me the real problem is a lack of respect for authorities.
@thanksajdotcom deep down you are the one that has the pride issues. You are a smart guy that continually shoots yourself in the foot. You feel you are underpaid, misunderstood, and underutilized. However, you keep going out of your way to sabotage yourself.
You CAN'T always say what you're thinking. Life has politics and work especially has politics. You have to bullshit and sugarcoat things sometimes. You have to learn to be your own PR manager. Think about what you say and when you say it.
This is going to sound mean.. But please don't take it that way. I mean it to be helpful.
Have you thought about going to a Counselor/Psychologist? I think that could help, there is some reason you are making a bigger deal out of nothing.
@thecreativeone91 said:
This is going to sound mean.. But please don't take it that way. I mean it to be helpful.
Have you thought about going to a Counselor/Psychologist? I think that could help, there is some reason you are making a bigger deal out of nothing.
Have in the past. It didn't help at the time, but I'm looking into going again.
You might actually want to look at a Job Coach as well.
@thecreativeone91 said:
Seems to me the real problem is a lack of respect for authorities.
How long until someone posts a Cartman meme?