Connecting Machines with Pertino
Sounds like a ICMP firewall issue.
Oh alright if it should allow it by default (which I was assuming it was) I'll keep looking at it thanks ^_^
Pertino is an open VPN without any apps needed. ADConnect is not even needed for AD to work, but it makes things easier.
I believe this is esentially what I need to do what I'm after
@Sparkum said:
I believe this is esentially what I need to do what I'm after
LOL, guess who wrote that
Haha really, well thats awesome I have the expert here if I have any questions then I suppose eh
We have @josh around here too.
Haha thats funny I actually dropped him a note on SW.Shoulda assumed he was here as well.
Maybe @josh could just throw my account a free version of ADConnect and we can call it a day.
Oh wow I upgraded to the 30 day trail, they really do make it easy eh
@Sparkum said:
Oh wow I upgraded to the 30 day trail, they really do make it easy eh
Yeah, the pro tools make it really, really easy.
So I guess my real question is after my trail ends do I have to change the settings to allow my computers to continue to talk with the AD or when the trial ends does everything I've currently set up continue to function?
I wish you could actually buy the additional apps (one time cost) for use with the 3 computer trail, I would buy the ADConnect just for how easy it just made this.
@Sparkum said:
So I guess my real question is after my trail ends do I have to change the settings to allow my computers to continue to talk with the AD or when the trial ends does everything I've currently set up continue to function?
Yes you will have to make the manual changes if you do not have AD Connect.
Well atleast I have 30 days to get it going.
@Sparkum said:
Well atleast I have 30 days to get it going.
@scottalanmiller's original guide works as the process has not changed. I use A mix of the 3 free, a free 25 system beta grant, and clients with various amounts of paid subscriptions.
I love Pertino in general.
I think that making the apps available for a one time add to an account would be a nice feature.
A VM to join a whole site to the VPN would be nice. That's one of the main reasons I haven't used it. Having to put it on every computer in a site is not ideal.
@thecreativeone91 said:
A VM to join a whole site to the VPN would be nice. That's one of the main reasons I haven't used it. Having to put it on every computer in a site is not ideal.
And cost prohibitive.
Ya for sure, I would definately shell out (ballpark) or 20-40 to buy the ADConnect (I'm sure I can figure out how to get it going without but a complete end user that wants to connect say his house to his buddies house)
@scottalanmiller Took a quick look at the guide and I dont have a pertino network, so thats slightly confusing
@Sparkum said:
Ya for sure, I would definately shell out (ballpark) or 20-40 to buy the ADConnect (I'm sure I can figure out how to get it going without but a complete end user that wants to connect say his house to his buddies house)
You don't need AD connect or @scottalanmiller's guide for that. That is how Pertino works in the first place. everything is just up.
You should be able to ping and access by IP as well as by hostname of the device.
AD connect is designed to connect Active Directory as is Scott's guide.