Level 1 HelpDesk Postion in Carrollton TX
i envy this lol. good luck!
Carrollton is a really nice area. Easy access to Dallas and Denton. Has good public transportation, the best in the Dallas Metro. Lots of good local food too.
I don't suppose you'd ever look for someone in Omaha?
Some day I hope to have someone in every state. It is in my plan to take over the world one Minion at a time!!!!!!
I have some vendors in Carrolton; great place in the DFW area!
(Well... and NTG obviously.
We no longer need this position to be filled, the customer decided to allow us to do work completely remote!
@Minion-Queen Well isn't that a WIN!
That is a huge win for us.
Massive win.
Yup, we totally Charlie'd this one.