Help! In need of a sp2 for Windows 7
There is no such thing. Windows 7 SP1 is the latest. Microsoft is never going to release SP2. The software you have obviously isn't production ready or tested in any way. I would be pretty worried dealing with a vendor that thinks that Windoes 7 SP2 exists, let alone requires it. What kind of testing is going on if they don't even notice that they require an OS version that has never existed!??!
Grrrrrr! Why is this Acrobat telling me that I need sp2.
Thank you Scott for the information.
@MrWright4hire said:
Grrrrrr! Why is this Acrobat telling me that I need sp2.
Adobe is having that problem?!??! Are you sure that it is Windows 7?
Based on what you told me about the sp, I have a feeling it's an Adobe issue. I already have sp1 on my windows 7.
@MrWright4hire said:
Based on what you told me about the sp, I have a feeling it's an Adobe issue. I already have sp1 on my windows 7.
That's crazy. How can Adobe have an issue like that!!
That's cold @nadnerB. lol! I have this computer offline as my lab computer. I have to find a good offline updater package. Maybe that will help or uninstall and reinstall sp1.
I would contact Adobe support and ask what is going on.
Can you share a screen shot of the error?
lol, it probably thinks you're using Vista.
Yeah, I bet it thinks you have Vista...
I really do love all you guys! When you guys spoke about the compatibility mode I checked it and it was stuck on Vista. So I changed it to 7 and Whalaa! Thank you all for being on my team. I hope I'm smart enough in something to help you guys figure something out. Thank you so much.
That makes sense. Old version may not even be Windows 7 aware.
I spoke too soon guys. premeditated. Although it's not stating that I need sp2 any more. Now it's stating that it didn't install completely and there is a error summary file. I don't get it. All I needed was Acrobat. Something simple!
I'm not up on my Adobe product versions but.... how old is that thing? Maybe it is time to get a current copy and/or run an old OS to support what you have. Or, move to a non-Adobe product to do the same tasks.
@scottalanmiller Adobe CS6 is relatively new, considering it was the last installment of Creative Suites as a one-time purchase. I believe it debuted in 2012-ish. I know from experience that it runs smoothly on 7 -> 8.1.
@MrWright4hire, without having seen the error summary file (that would be required before pointing you towards a direct solution) the best guidance you would get is from Adobe themselves. You should try contacting their support, or visiting this link to read their resources on troubleshooting installation issues from information captured in the install log.
Seems like it would work smoothly then. I would definitely reach out to Adobe, that makes sense.
Ted I'm taking a look at the link you provided now. Thank you for the suggestion.