So, working on a little Node.js project...anyone have any experiences to share?
I'm essentially putting together a poor-man chat service. Mostly for use in Spiceworks so techs can chat back and forth with each other...
Now, I'm using some demos that I found online and I have to say, Node.js is pretty friggin' cool.
The end goal is to have a pop-out window that appears when a person logs into the help desk. Technician's name would automatically connect to the chat (no passwords as of yet). Also, shouldn't t really make it a widget since it would live at the dashboard, but feasibly, you could use something like this on the user portal.
It's extremely lightweight and requires no client - just a web browser.
What do you guys think? Has anyone else here worked with Node.js?
I've used Node.js only enough to go "oh, that's cool." Obviously NodeBB runs on Node.js and powers MangoLassi, but we didn't write it.
Yeah - it does some otherwise complex things very quickly and with little coding - heck, the dynamic updating is very cool - but you know, maybe this is amazing to me because I'm just now getting into this kind of thing.
Anyway, here's what I have so far - I have some additional stuff to do, but this is the gist:
Chat link at the navbar will open up a popup window prepopulating the name field with your Spiceworks username. If the window is already open, the link will bring it back into focus.Things to work on:
- visual notification of chat message if windows is blurred
- log/persistence if browser is refereshed
- keep only history of x amount of entries for better performance
And yes, I'm using Opera as a test browser (doing work in Firefox, authenticating as a different user in Opera) - but it actually has some nice dev tools built in.
Wowzers! That's an awesome idea!
Looks pretty good so far.I have zero experience with node.js, I just wanted to leave some encouragement.
I'm concerned that something is missing from your Network Scan though. This is a cool feature, though!
This is so cool!
Perfect timing, this deal is today:
Whoa, those are some good deals!
I paid around $40 for a jQuery book about a month back...
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