Exporting DefaultAssociation XML file Fails
I have been working on Exporting the defaultAssociationXML files and it kept failing using the command below:
DISM /online /export-defaultappassociations:"C:\DefaultAssoc.xml"
Then I get this error:
Reviewed it and it happens on all 1709 computers, so I find this post:
https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/5161bd23-733e-4e2f-a500-d652fc23b81d/the-current-user-associations-could-not-be-exported-to-file-error-0x80004002?forum=win10itprosetupBasically is a Windows Update that broke this. So in the meantime I am running this on a VM but if anyone comes across this then you will know why.
The response from Microsoft for this issue is surprisingly quiet.