New GTX Cards!
Good stuff. Now I have to rethink the system I'm saving for
I was gonna get dual GTX 780 TI's to put in a system, but now I'm DEFINITELY going with two of these guys.
Wow.. that's a great price!
Wow, that's amazing. You must be feeling better after being sick from this announcement alone
That is amazing that they were able to drop the price that much and deliver those kinds of new features - lower power consumption especially. Kudos to NVidia; they have some seriously cool engineering resources there.
NVIDIA rarely fails to impress. Well done!
I think the chip manufacturers are going to come out with some really cool things in the next few years with different architecture and designs. Good read!
@MattKing Agreed. I think GFX performance will increase, which helps take a lot of the load off the CPU. I think CPUs (and RAM) have improved to the point now where we won't see any major advancements for a while aside from making them more power efficient.
@thecreativeone91 said:
@MattKing Agreed. I think GFX performance will increase, which helps take a lot of the load off the CPU. I think CPUs (and RAM) have improved to the point now where we won't see any major advancements for a while aside from making them more power efficient.
You mean GPU?
@MattKing said:
I think the chip manufacturers are going to come out with some really cool things in the next few years with different architecture and designs. Good read!
It's really about efficiency and cores these days. Get the threads up before worrying about single thread performance.
@thecreativeone91 @scottalanmiller I agree to both of ya's, I think there's going to be some real interesting things happening once we break through 11nm process. Things are already getting a little weird with 10Tb HDD and 12-core cpu's, efficiency is going to be key.
@scottalanmiller said:
Wow, that's amazing. You must be feeling better after being sick from this announcement alone.
Hehe, wish it was that easy. I'm so hooked into the GPU market that anytime the tinyest changes happen, my email gets blown up by all the different vendors throwing me emails and such. So the amount of sleep I achieved was not very much...
i only have one of ps4.
@Hubtech said:
i only have one of ps4.
PS4 Has equivalent performance of a reference GTX 660, though it's a heavily modified version of a Radeon HD 7870. Console graphics for the current gen are about on-par with the current average gaming PC.
@Mike-Ralston said:
@Hubtech said:
i only have one of ps4.
PS4 Has equivalent performance of a reference GTX 660, though it's a heavily modified version of a Radeon HD 7870. Console graphics for the current gen are about on-par with the current average gaming PC.
well, it's enough for me to enjoy the pants off of! that's right my ps4 is pantless
@Hubtech I'm quite impressed with the abilities of the PS4 so far, and they always push consoles to high heights by the end of their life cycles (look at GTA 5 running on 10 year old hardware), so I'm interested to see what becomes of the PS4. And for the next gen, Nvidia looks to be ready to start manufacturing Console SoC setups and such, so the graphical fidelity could hit new high-marks. The whole industry just excites me
@MattKing said:
@thecreativeone91 @scottalanmiller I agree to both of ya's, I think there's going to be some real interesting things happening once we break through 11nm process. Things are already getting a little weird with 10Tb HDD and 12-core cpu's, efficiency is going to be key.
I think you'll see way over twelve cores soon. In the Sparc world 32 and 64 cores are old hat. Need the apps to figure out how to thread better first, but that is coming very quickly.
@scottalanmiller 16 Cores are going mainstream first.