NextCloud 10 Stable...Failed To Connect To Database
@aaronstuder I can login with that user and password in the CLI.
What does Show Grants; show?
Any firewall?
Also, did you ever run "flush privileges;" ?
But...when I run
create user 'nextclouduser'@'localhost' identified by 'nextcloudpassword';
grant all on nextcloud_db.* to 'nextclouduser'@'localhost';
flush privileges;
I get Query OK for all commands run. I reboot and SHOW GRANTS; and I get the same output -
Alright, so your nextclouduser doesn't have permissions to write to the database.
Login using mysql -u nxtuser -p and run show grants;
Try changing this:
grant all on nextcloud_db.* to 'nextclouduser'@'localhost';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud_db.* TO 'nxtuser@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'nextcloudpassword' WITH GRANT OPTION;
@Jstear That worked when I added WITH GRANT OPTION. Thank you. Ill add this to my notes.
Awesome, glad I could help!