XenServer rolling upgrades
I'm trying to get the work servers upgraded, most everything we're running is on either an NFS Share (Isilon) or a FreeNAS appliance, yet the upgrade wizard keeps barking about VMs being on local storage. I've gone through and verified the UUIDs in the console of the affected server, and nothing that is running is on the local disk at all. Everything else that is running already shows those aforementioned network drives.
Should I initiate a host reboot or am I missing another detail that would clear that error?
What client are you using to apply the rolling upgrades?
Trying to do it from the XenCenter software - version 7 is already installed.
I just moved all the VMs on the first host to the second one, and it still states that I have local machines.
Any hints in the XenCenter log files (look under Help menu)?
not off hand, but the log is mostly talking about running VMs and a migration I just did - I'll keep looking. I also just realized that during my cleanup operations, I removed only old VM UUIDs and not the associated disks. I'm going to run an lvscan here in a moment and see if that helps.
Could it be referring to the Control Domain on host x? I'm not sure I understand what would be running on the local storage other than the local install / dom0
OK, did a comparison between the two hosts - host 2 is showing 0.0 MB in use on the local disk, but Host 1 is saying I'm using 206 MB. I have NO idea what it is, or how to remove it. It's not needed.
Edit - used the steps here by Thomas Bettray to remove the local SR since I don't care about what is on it.