Unsolved VPN Connect continually drops
@scottalanmiller said:
@gjacobse said:
Yes a Surface
Problem identified.
For Sales people - who travel - what would you suggest that is better? They have about 15 Surface units as it is now.
To be noted that they have 15 or so and only 1 has this issue. So it is not just a Surface blanket issue.
@gjacobse said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@gjacobse said:
Yes a Surface
Problem identified.
For Sales people - who travel - what would you suggest that is better? They have about 15 Surface units as it is now.
Don't know what they are using it for. I've never found the Surface to be a good tool, too many bugs and problems both software and hardware. It might seem neat, but it still comes across as a toy to me.
Ugh... there was an update not too long ago that caused the wireless to be completely unreliable. It was fixed the following month with a patch. Looks like this Surface missed that patch.
@coliver said:
Ugh... there was an update not too long ago that caused the wireless to be completely unreliable. It was fixed the following month with a patch. Looks like this Surface missed that patch.
Possible... even with this update,.. there seems to be Windows Update issues.
This is the error I have seen on this one,.. and I think others..
@gjacobse said:
@coliver said:
Ugh... there was an update not too long ago that caused the wireless to be completely unreliable. It was fixed the following month with a patch. Looks like this Surface missed that patch.
Possible... even with this update,.. there seems to be Windows Update issues.
This is the error I have seen on this one,.. and I think others..
Are they tied into WSUS somehow?
@coliver said:
@gjacobse said:
@coliver said:
Ugh... there was an update not too long ago that caused the wireless to be completely unreliable. It was fixed the following month with a patch. Looks like this Surface missed that patch.
Possible... even with this update,.. there seems to be Windows Update issues.
This is the error I have seen on this one,.. and I think others..
Are they tied into WSUS somehow?
Reboot it and give it another go.
Just got word - he's already been kicked out.
I have had really good luck with the Fixit Tool for Windows Update.
Issue now seems to be on another system as well.....
@Dashrender said:
@gjacobse said:
Issue now seems to be on another system as well.....
Also a Surface?
I'm not saying a word.
Okay - so lets go with a ping test,
I know I can do a Ping (IP) 0- but can you time stamp it so that if an event occurred?
For us issues like this are usually that of the ISP, so it's usually on the user to contact their ISP. Some are willing to fix it, some aren't.
@gjacobse said:
Okay - so lets go with a ping test,
I know I can do a Ping (IP) 0- but can you time stamp it so that if an event occurred?
@Martin9700 to the rescue.
[CmdletBinding()] Param ( [int32]$Count = 5, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String[]]$Computer = "mftestwin7", [string]$LogPath = "c:\pinglog\pinglog.csv" ) $Ping = @() #Test if path exists, if not, create it If (-not (Test-Path (Split-Path $LogPath) -PathType Container)) { Write-Verbose "Folder doesn't exist $(Split-Path $LogPath), creating..." New-Item (Split-Path $LogPath) -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } #Test if log file exists, if not seed it with a header row If (-not (Test-Path $LogPath)) { Write-Verbose "Log file doesn't exist: $($LogPath), creating..." Add-Content -Value '"TimeStamp","Source","Destination","IPV4Address","Status","ResponseTime"' -Path $LogPath } #Log collection loop Write-Verbose "Beginning Ping monitoring of $Comptuer for $Count tries:" While ($Count -gt 0) { $Ping = Get-WmiObject Win32_PingStatus -Filter "Address = '$Computer'" | Select @{Label="TimeStamp";Expression={Get-Date}},@{Label="Source";Expression={ $_.__Server }},@{Label="Destination";Expression={ $_.Address }},IPv4Address,@{Label="Status";Expression={ If ($_.StatusCode -ne 0) {"Failed"} Else {""}}},ResponseTime $Result = $Ping | Select TimeStamp,Source,Destination,IPv4Address,Status,ResponseTime | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation $Result[1] | Add-Content -Path $LogPath Write-verbose ($Ping | Select TimeStamp,Source,Destination,IPv4Address,Status,ResponseTime | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String) $Count -- Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
Run it like this:
.\Get-PingMonitor.ps1 -count 9999 -path c:\pinglog\pinglog.csv -computer "www.thesurlyadmin.com"
@Jason said:
For us issues like this are usually that of the ISP, so it's usually on the user to contact their ISP. Some are willing to fix it, some aren't.
In my experience, if you don't have a smoking gun, like logs or a bad tracert, you don't get very far. And with good reason. Imagine all the Surface users that have called in about their internet connection.
@Mike-Davis said:
@Jason said:
For us issues like this are usually that of the ISP, so it's usually on the user to contact their ISP. Some are willing to fix it, some aren't.
In my experience, if you don't have a smoking gun, like logs or a bad tracert, you don't get very far. And with good reason. Imagine all the Surface users that have called in about their internet connection.
We don't have our tech supporting users home connections, so it's on them to do any logs and/or contact their ISP
It was inevitable - they called in again today... and I did do the ping test.
I won't post the full run (either of the four) but here is the summary of two of them
Packets: Sent = 114, Received = 114, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 63ms, Maximum = 3422ms, Average = 138ms
Packets: Sent = 154, Received = 153, Lost = 1 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 61ms, Maximum = 3283ms, Average = 128ms
I even noted that my ScreenConnect connection would 'hang', the ping scroll would stop and then it would speed up for a moment. So even my connection seemed to be affected.
So this seems to isolate it down to the computer / local network.
I was informed that he is about 20' from the router on Wireless, but that TWC is to be onsite today to setup / move the equipment and then he will be within 5' of it.
3.4 seconds is ridiculously long for a ping time. That's an issue, for sure.