Outlook requesting password every time
This is stumping me. An AD user is getting prompted for a password in Outlook every single time. We have on-premise Exchange, I've changed his password, blown away the Outlook profile, and removed/recreated the credentials manager. He has Windows 10, I have Windows 7, both are on the domain. This happens on both computers which points to it being a domain account issue. Any thoughts?
PC OS version has less to do with this that the OS of the server and what version of Exchange you are running.I almost had a suggestion for you as we have had some experience with this,.. but alas it was for Office 365. I have run into cases of the User account being corrupted but that was something else and did not affect Outlook as the user didn't have Exchange.
Have you tried this:
Actually another thing you can try would be to ''delete'' the local user profile and allow it to be rebuilt.
Rename the c:\user\Xuser folder to c:\user_Xuser
When he signs in again, the system should re-create the folder and allow you to setup Outlook back up.
It's Exchange 2013, I forgot to mention that. I deleted the local profile, re-created the domain profile (created last year but never has used it).
look at who the owner of the exchange email account is. Is it him?
Also, what version of Outlook?We''ve had weird problems with Outlook 2016 and Exchange 2010.
I've the same problem, it was cause by Bitlocker.