Ballmer Complains About the Microsoft He Himself Built
Steve Ballmer, the largest shareholder of Microsoft (that alone should make you want to stop buying their products, right?) complains that Microsoft is being run as he set it up to run. Not only does he have the audacity to do all kinds of damage to the company as well as attack anyone and everyone in the industry but now, after having done that damage, complains that it happened?
Sounds like a Ballmer kinda thing to do
I can only imagine that he was dancing and spitting while it happened.
I may never be rich, but at least I will never wake up and be Steve Ballmer.
@scottalanmiller his face reminds me of Major Winchester from MASH
Ha ha. He could definitely play some quirky military guy on TV.
Is that sweat? I don't think I've ever seen the meme or the video it was made from.
@coliver said:
Is that sweat? I don't think I've ever seen the meme or the video it was made from.
Yeah, that's actually sweat!