@travisdh1 said in Show me the $PowerShell.:
What if I work in Bash instead of PowerShell?
Can't fault you for that. But I'd call you bleeding edge.
@travisdh1 said in Show me the $PowerShell.:
What if I work in Bash instead of PowerShell?
Can't fault you for that. But I'd call you bleeding edge.
What have you scripted out in order to make your job as an IT professional better?
I wanted to share a pretty awesome script for swapping out configuration file ties.
#Specify what assemblies and what versions
$redirects = @{}
$redirects.Add('newtonsoft.json', '')
$redirects.Add('microsoft.owin', '')
$redirects.Add('microsoft.owin.security', '')
Get-ChildItem "..**" -Filter *.config |
Foreach-Object {
#Write-Host "Processing file $_"
#Write-Host "Processing file " $_.FullName
[xml]$xml = (Get-Content $_.FullName) -as [Xml]
$requiresSave = $FALSE
foreach($assemble in $xml.configuration.runtime.assemblybinding.dependentassembly)
foreach($casm in $redirects.keys){
$newVers = $redirects.Get_Item($casm)
$currentVersion = $assemble.bindingredirect.newversion
if($assemble.assemblyidentity.name -eq $casm -And $currentVersion -ne $newVers)
Write-Host "Updating $_ $casm from $currentVersion to $newVers"
$assemble.bindingredirect.oldversion = "$newVers"
$assemble.bindingredirect.newversion = $newVers
$requiresSave = $TRUE
Write-Host "Saving file " $_.FullName
$backupPath = $_.FullName + ".$(get-date -f yyyyMMddhhmmss)"
Copy-Item -Path $_.FullName -Destination $backupPath
#Write-Host "File skipped $_"
Also, does code tagging work in NodeBB?
@scottalanmiller said in AWS Brings GPU POWERHOUSES to the Cloud:
@travisdh1 said in AWS Brings GPU POWERHOUSES to the Cloud:
@scottalanmiller said in AWS Brings GPU POWERHOUSES to the Cloud:
@travisdh1 said in AWS Brings GPU POWERHOUSES to the Cloud:
@RojoLoco said in AWS Brings GPU POWERHOUSES to the Cloud:
And in other news, @zuphzuph brings the much maligned shortened link to Mangolassi.it!
Which link shortener is it that will show you the target when hovering your mouse over the link?
None, because that's not how the technology works
I thought one of them would, tho it probably requires some client side processing to work.
Absolutely requires client side processing. A link doesn't just magically make the browser do things.
Yeah, I think this is a result of SolidWorks having their cloud hosted solution now. We'll probably see a package installer for SolidWorks on AWS in the next couple of days.
Sorry guys, was trying to shorten because as you can see the URL is extremely excessive...
Personally I just use bit.ly like no other.
@Dashrender said in Automatic - car tracker:
@zuphzuph said in Automatic - car tracker:
Are you looking to use this to track your kids or something? The device is fully visible in the OBD2 slot or nearly any vehicle. A thief with any sort of brains is gonna pull that right out.
No - my reason for posting it was so someone could use it to track their mileage for reporting to their business, typically for reimbursement.
I see, didn't read too far into it.
The door to door salesman normally don't even work for the ISP they work in conjunction with the ISP in order to sell contracted services at higher rates. These guys work purely off commission in most cases so they're pretty good liars as well. CenturyLink is the old qwest... they weren't good either. It's really shitty service here in Denver with abnormally high downtime and poor speeds. They do the same thing the cable providers do and over stuff trunks.
Are you looking to use this to track your kids or something? The device is fully visible in the OBD2 slot or nearly any vehicle. A thief with any sort of brains is gonna pull that right out.
Had some awesome orange chicken and vegetable egg rolls last night.
@StrongBad I feel like talking to support over 3 times in the past year for them to fix mostly SQL db issues with their solution is a little much...
Waiting for Veeam support to call me yet again. Full backups aren't being deleted on a couple jobs and yes, they're configured properly.
Pretty awesome stuff... we ended up using this yesterday to test some AWS Load Balancer changes since Header Authorizations were being stripped:
Meh, not worried about it I always buy genuine. I've tried 3rd party in the past and they tend to give nothing but issues... Seems they have a much shorter lifespan as well.
@DustinB3403 said in User Benchmark/Hardware Tester (It's awesome...):
@Breffni-Potter Amazon.
@Breffni-Potter said in User Benchmark/Hardware Tester (It's awesome...):
The pricing is wildly off sadly as it uses Ebay as the first pricing link, then Amazon second.
1TB Samsung 850 Pro SSD.
I can't speak for you UK peeps. Didn't VPN over to test, good to know regardless.