It's the capability of the device to be hot-swappable. Purchasing one then adding another for some other time for a proper set-up is possible.

Posts made by vhinzsanchez
RE: Hot Swap Power Supply with only one Power Supply?
RE: Real Time Coronavirus Website
@CCWTech said in Real Time Coronavirus Website:
Face masks are to be worn by someone who is ill to prevent them from spreading the disease. They can't hurt to be worn by healthy people wanting to protect themselves from catching something, but aren't real effective for this purpose.
It was the government and health sector's advice, along with good proper hygiene--with frequent washing of hands. I believe China's government also advises their citizens to stay at home or wear masks whenever they go out. While we only have 1 confirmed case, there are a handful of individuals being monitored displaying some similar signs and those who came from Wuhan, Hubei province of China.
As for the risk, Philippines is in high risk as there are a lot of entries from China to our ports, either things or individuals. We also have several businesses who employs Chinese, and most are in business districts.
We have felt some shortages of masks from the eruption of our Taal volcano then this outbreak, and yes, it is spreading fear. I was alarmed myself when I saw that majority of the people in business district last night was wearing one.
From what I heard, while it is not "as" deadly/fatal as other MERS and SARS coronavirus outbreaks, it spreads a lot faster and just like the article, flus and measles are more likely to be fatal.
RE: Real Time Coronavirus Website
Spoke too soon, just now, our health department has confirmed the 1st case of 2019-nCoV no longer than 30 mins ago.
RE: Real Time Coronavirus Website
Not an expert but just wanted to chime in :face_with_stuck-out_tongue_closed_eyes:
In this part of the world, it known as Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and has some reported cases showing similar symptoms but presently none confirmed by the health department. Due to the outbreak, been seeing more and more people wearing facemasks :face_with_medical_mask: , from surgical, to cloth, to N95. Our office has handed out surgical masks to employees and the building admin personnel wears these. The virus was said to have originated from a market in Wuhan, China which was also selling some exotic animal as cuisine.
RE: MSP Helpdesk Options
For the love of me, yes, it did update. Never expected that. When I was testing previously, it seemed it did not. Checked the latest software I installed and it did get it.Perhaps it just took time like the other workstation which was inventoried yesterday but not today.
Also have difficulty in setting up network scan and SNMP. No previous experience here.
Adding task, job configuration, targets, actors, etc, all foreign to me.
RE: MSP Helpdesk Options
@notverypunny said in MSP Helpdesk Options:
@vhinzsanchez said in MSP Helpdesk Options:
Had deployed SW on-premise in my previous employment, I do not know how it will fare out after reading the news earlier. It has been rock solid even when others had an issue logging in when a problem seemed that my installation was not affected then.
I've tried and really liked osTicket but I am now testing GLPI. I was looking into a ticketing system with inventory and the features which tied the ticket to a person and/or hardware and keep its history (like SW). GLPI with FusionInventory seemed to be just that.
Let me know if you need any help, I've been dealing with the inventory side of that combo for going on 3 years now. Going to be getting more into the data-center / server room management side of it with the management and financials stuff next week.
Yup, the network scanning inventory (fusion inventory) is where I stopped at. I have installed agent on 2 computers successfully but as it seems, it was not updating. It was not due to how it was programmed, rather, it is due to my limited understanding on how to configure it.
Another wall I hit is that all emails (new tickets and responses) have different time-stamp (15 hours late).
RE: MSP Helpdesk Options
Had deployed SW on-premise in my previous employment, I do not know how it will fare out after reading the news earlier. It has been rock solid even when others had an issue logging in when a problem seemed that my installation was not affected then.
I've tried and really liked osTicket but I am now testing GLPI. I was looking into a ticketing system with inventory and the features which tied the ticket to a person and/or hardware and keep its history (like SW). GLPI with FusionInventory seemed to be just that.
RE: Question about AWS
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
Time to get those predatory vendors out of there!
You know what I don't like? Making this myself. Don't have enough confidence for production stuff. In test environment, I can surely study but when in production, I do not think I can do it. Sad truth to it.
The best thing here is that the legacy systems will still be here...untouched.
RE: Question about AWS
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
I assume a reseller, not VMware themselves.
correct, a local reseller
RE: Question about AWS
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
HCI is not for transferring. Who proposed that?
HC on Vmware is absurdly expensive. But it is free on KVM, Xen, and Hyper-V.
Guess who? Vendor? VMWare-accredited? :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_closed_eyes:
RE: Question about AWS
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
@vhinzsanchez said in Question about AWS:
I'll be checking XCP-ng and KVM this time around.
Those are likely the best choices. KVM is really what makes the most sense now. It is what everyone is using, it is where all of the focus is. I was the strongest proponent of Xen for a really long time, and I still love it. But KVM is just the more sensible option. So much easier to get support and tools.
Get Fedora, install KVM, use Cockpit, oVirt or any number of options. Easy peasy.
Thanks, I'll do that.
RE: Question about AWS
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
@vhinzsanchez said in Question about AWS:
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
@vhinzsanchez said in Question about AWS:
VMWare, it changed the landscape because of pricing.
Why? If there is one option that is not likely to make sense, that's it. Not that VMware is bad, but it is completely wrong for this use case. To the point that it should never even be considered, let alone considered strongly.
KVM, Xen, and Hyper-V are all fine options. I would lean to KVM, it makes more sense for you. More "future looking".
VMware makes zero sense.... it doesn't have the features, the cost, or the "future" that a business person would want. Again, this sounds like a totally bad emotional reaction. Ask him for his "business reasons"... how would VMware help to make money?
and it made the project to a crawl.
Ha. We always find the biggest problems with it are around license management. It takes so much unnecessary work when you are just trying to do basic tasks. And the simplest things like adding another server to the company can totally break all of the plans.
I second this. I was just trying to get a basic VM with ability to transfer VMs to another server should there be something wrong in the host...HCI was proposed.
It was good, so is the pricetag.
RE: Question about AWS
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
@vhinzsanchez said in Question about AWS:
I was loving XenServer until I tried Proxmox
We generally avoid ProxMox because the vendor isn't very good. It is just extra features bolted onto KVM and LXC. A pretty weird idea. It mostly works, and lots of people like it. But I would never trust that vendor in my business. They have a bad track record from
I'll have to check on that forum. I'll be checking XCP-ng and KVM this time around.
RE: Question about AWS
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
@vhinzsanchez said in Question about AWS:
VMWare, it changed the landscape because of pricing.
Why? If there is one option that is not likely to make sense, that's it. Not that VMware is bad, but it is completely wrong for this use case. To the point that it should never even be considered, let alone considered strongly.
KVM, Xen, and Hyper-V are all fine options. I would lean to KVM, it makes more sense for you. More "future looking".
VMware makes zero sense.... it doesn't have the features, the cost, or the "future" that a business person would want. Again, this sounds like a totally bad emotional reaction. Ask him for his "business reasons"... how would VMware help to make money?
and it made the project to a crawl.
RE: Question about AWS
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
From your description, my guess is that very simple virtualization is what you need. KVM is where I would start. Free and enterprise. All of the features included. Keep it simple, and standard.
I think so too. My first recommendation then was XenServer and even Hyper-V but my Director wanted VMWare, it changed the landscape because of pricing.
I was loving XenServer until I tried Proxmox :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes:
RE: Question about AWS
@scottalanmiller said in Question about AWS:
@vhinzsanchez said in Question about AWS:
or our other apps like project management which is LAMP-based.
Now that is a workload that can be great for cloud under the right circumstances. But if you already have an on premises situation, then it won't likely make sense and will be better to be on premises.
Okay, got that. You've got a point in this (and all of the above
) .
RE: Question about AWS
or our other apps like project management which is LAMP-based.