@scottalanmiller Looks like you're on /r/boneappletea/
Posts made by tonyshowoff
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@NerdyDad Awww but water's grooooossssssssss
I also have children who won't finish things and fill my fridge with left overs and half finished drinks
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@nadnerB said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
When the original, not-funny show was redone for American TV is when I first heard about it, and in both cases it was so obnoxious a premise to me that someone slapping a child would somehow throw entire families through loops and just a nuclear bomb-style fall out of whining, my first thought when I saw the Australian one was "I know a lot of Aussies and they aren't huge pussies like this, who is this supposed to appeal to?" I could only imagine in real life in Australia or America (well maybe not some of WASP America) the guy hitting the kid simply getting his teeth kicked in, not a super-PTSD melodrama rippling through the entire community.
In the words of Bart Simpson:
Sock him, Dad! Sock everybody!
Plus they make the kid so annoying and deserving that it's almost a comedy.
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@scotth said in Random Thread - Anything Goes:
@tonyshowoff said in Random Thread - Anything Goes:
@jmoore said in Random Thread - Anything Goes:
@nadnerB Photocopy machine, really?
You've never setup your copy machine as a DC? Well, you sir are an amateur! Amateur I say!
And cron daemon
Let's see if we can't get Exchange installed on a Rico.
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@jmoore said in Random Thread - Anything Goes:
@nadnerB Photocopy machine, really?
You've never setup your copy machine as a DC? Well, you sir are an amateur! Amateur I say!
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@WrCombs said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
was on shark tank and they were offered : 50,000 for 10% plus 1/potato until he gets 150,000.00 and then .50/potato....
and it was accepted.Shark Tank is just a guise over infomercials. They've made a "show" out of traditional infomercials, nothing more. Everything on it is garbage. It's just a new spin on an old format with some "reality show" thrown in to make it more "fun" for that specific audience.
What? You don't see the ultimate benefit of napkins with faces of the US presidents made to also look like your dog with an app, or gourmet ice cream you have to buy with an app, or an exercise bike with wheels made of feet with an app, or a cup holder for your motorised cart...with an app?
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@dbeato said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Checking in here
I could do that too, but I just don't want to...
wait a minute...
RE: What did you have for lunch or dinner today?
@scottalanmiller said in What did you have for lunch or dinner today?:
Velvet Taco
Damn that looks good
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@LostDungeon said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
I want to order my girlfriend false eyelashes on the web and I do not know how she will react to such a gift, because not every day people give false eyelashes. And I just want her to become more beautiful!
If you insist on something so oddly specific, pay for her to get professional eye lash extensions instead. This advice came from my wife.
@pchiodo said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Get her a trip to a beauty spa instead. Tell her you want to pamper her.
That won't help with his eye lash fetish. And depending on the woman, this could make things worse. Some women like things like this, others like my mother would consider you have ulterior motives for picking such a stereotypical thing for them to do, or if they're like my wife, they're irritated because now they have something else to do in addition to all the other things they have to handle.
So maybe they like it or maybe they hate it, either way they still will have disgustingly hideous eyelashes that evidently make them abhorrent looking like Medusa.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@Obsolesce said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@tonyshowoff said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Checked the email I use for ML for the first time in a couple of years or something, it's nearly 8GB of around 47,000+ emails from ML. Trying to delete all this, jeeze.
You can unsubscribe from it...
Unless that's a fourth dimensional function, it won't help me with older emails now.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Checked the email I use for ML for the first time in a couple of years or something, it's nearly 8GB of around 47,000+ emails from ML. Trying to delete all this, jeeze.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@EddieJennings said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Going through Linux flash cards while waiting for haircut
Linux is stupid, I only use AmigaOS
Multiuser? Pfft, what do I want to get syphilis?
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
This place is too quiet today.
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@Obsolesce said in Random Thread - Anything Goes:
Lol I did that on purpose on there before because of the tone someone gave me.
It really sucks when you find the same question you had and someone does say "I figured it out" and just leaves with no other information. My last account was banned for, among other things, replying to one of these people (there were no other answers so it wasn't a situation like yours) by saying "F--- you" not censored though. I did get at least a couple of up votes for that. This was a long time ago back when there wasn't a minimal limit nor weird auto-deleting things for comments.
RE: Something not said enough;
@WrCombs said in Something not said enough;:
@tonyshowoff said in Something not said enough;:
@WrCombs said in Something not said enough;:
@tonyshowoff said in Something not said enough;:
@JaredBusch said in Something not said enough;:
@WrCombs said in Something not said enough;:
@gjacobse said in Something not said enough;:
Thank you - I feel that I have continued to learn from input from a number of people...
@DustinB3403and a number of other people...
So - I express my thanks.
Adding @Dashrender as well - Huge help with a lot of things personal and work related.
Thanks Dash.Suck up.
Yeah, why don't you marry him if you love him so much?
cause he's my uncle....
That be weird.So you admit it's nepotism? The truth is finally out!
I don't work for him, How would it be nepotism?
I sense a troll in our mix..
So he isn't good enough to work for?! Oh ho ho.
And yes.
RE: Miscellaneous Tech News
@scottalanmiller said in Miscellaneous Tech News:
I just noticed that there was an article about that on Spiceworks, but due to weird Twitter ad stuff, I can't see it.
I'd like to see it myself
RE: Something not said enough;
@WrCombs said in Something not said enough;:
@tonyshowoff said in Something not said enough;:
@JaredBusch said in Something not said enough;:
@WrCombs said in Something not said enough;:
@gjacobse said in Something not said enough;:
Thank you - I feel that I have continued to learn from input from a number of people...
@DustinB3403and a number of other people...
So - I express my thanks.
Adding @Dashrender as well - Huge help with a lot of things personal and work related.
Thanks Dash.Suck up.
Yeah, why don't you marry him if you love him so much?
cause he's my uncle....
That be weird.So you admit it's nepotism? The truth is finally out!
RE: Something not said enough;
@JaredBusch said in Something not said enough;:
@WrCombs said in Something not said enough;:
@gjacobse said in Something not said enough;:
Thank you - I feel that I have continued to learn from input from a number of people...
@DustinB3403and a number of other people...
So - I express my thanks.
Adding @Dashrender as well - Huge help with a lot of things personal and work related.
Thanks Dash.Suck up.
Yeah, why don't you marry him if you love him so much?
RE: Miscellaneous Tech News
@mlnews said in Miscellaneous Tech News:
"LinkedIn Update Confirms Francis Sullivan Leaving Spiceworks for ScaleFactor", Spiceworks founder no longer with firm.
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@scottalanmiller Honestly when I first read Brave I thought of that film. Damn kids movies!