You guys can keep this discussion about licensing going all you want. I'm done with it.
Controversial posts made by thanksajdotcom
RE: CloudatCost OpenDNS Issue
RE: CloudatCost OpenDNS Issue
@thecreativeone91 said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
Anyways, if Microsoft wants to come yell at me for it, I'll let them. Until then, it's staying as is.
Just so you understand, as a licensing issue goes, this is potentially millions of dollars of pirating, not just a copy of Windows. Yeah, they'd have to come after you. But all it requires is for them to audit CloudatCost, not you, and you are swept up in an audit of lots of other people. And you have no means of paying the "true up" fee. Nor do your parents. Nor does everyone you know combined.
And let's be realistic. The chances they'd pursue it and not just shut down the license is pretty low.
Just because they aren't actively enforcing it to you doesn't make it legal.
Again, while I care, I don't. It's not hurting anyone. Argue that all you want, but it's true.
RE: CloudatCost OpenDNS Issue
@thecreativeone91 said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
@scottalanmiller said:
You have a DC license, but even with Dreamspark you need to honor the license requirements, which is one license per CPU. How many CPUs are you running on in the cluster? You have no way to know. Dreamspark you get one copy only. Presumably they give you two CPUs with that. So.... let's say you have two. How short are you from having enough for the cluster?
We don't know, we only know it's a lot more than two. So, you don't have a valid license. Plain and simple. That it is Dreamspark, student use, activated or whatever are not in any way relevant here.
I not in a business environment. Even if MS sued me, they'd get nothing. I don't care if I'm violating a license agreement in this case. If this was a business, it'd be a totally difference scenario and I'd approach and handle it totally differently.
Business or not licensing terms are terms. It's not legal to break them. And for that matter they can garnish your wages.
Yeah, they'd be awfully disappointed.
RE: Our Amazon Echo Just Shipped
@Ambarishrh said:
Review please, once you get it, and @thanksaj why is his post showing -1?
Because some troll is going through dcwnvoting all my posts.
RE: Ridiculous Words Lacking from the Google Chrome Dictionary
@thecreativeone91 said:
What I don't get is why the spell checkers don't tap into the power of google. for example sometimes I may misspell a work, chrome (and other apps) won't have a suggestion, yet if I type it into google it will have the "Showing results for:" with the correct spelling.
No API for it?
RE: CloudatCost OpenDNS Issue
@scottalanmiller said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
Anyways, if Microsoft wants to come yell at me for it, I'll let them. Until then, it's staying as is.
Just so you understand, as a licensing issue goes, this is potentially millions of dollars of pirating, not just a copy of Windows. Yeah, they'd have to come after you. But all it requires is for them to audit CloudatCost, not you, and you are swept up in an audit of lots of other people. And you have no means of paying the "true up" fee. Nor do your parents. Nor does everyone you know combined.
And let's be realistic. The chances they'd pursue it and not just shut down the license is pretty low.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Holy crap was today nuts! Two onsites and I did $500 in business myself, which was MUCH needed for the store. I'm remembering why I loved Staples so much, and also how obsessive I can become about it...LOL
RE: CloudatCost OpenDNS Issue
@scottalanmiller said:
You have a DC license, but even with Dreamspark you need to honor the license requirements, which is one license per CPU. How many CPUs are you running on in the cluster? You have no way to know. Dreamspark you get one copy only. Presumably they give you two CPUs with that. So.... let's say you have two. How short are you from having enough for the cluster?
We don't know, we only know it's a lot more than two. So, you don't have a valid license. Plain and simple. That it is Dreamspark, student use, activated or whatever are not in any way relevant here.
I not in a business environment. Even if MS sued me, they'd get nothing. I don't care if I'm violating a license agreement in this case. If this was a business, it'd be a totally difference scenario and I'd approach and handle it totally differently.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Relaxing in my bed, of sorts. Gonna watch some more Bones tonight on Netflix.
RE: CloudatCost OpenDNS Issue
@scottalanmiller said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
It is Dreamspark but that isn't how it was explained to me at the time.
Again, that's fine but not related to the situation.
Anyways, if Microsoft wants to come yell at me for it, I'll let them. Until then, it's staying as is.
RE: Random Compliments/Gratitude Thread
@IRJ said:
@thanksaj said:
Staples is currently working to rival Amazon
That seems like an unattainable goal.
Yeah, I agree that it's a pretty lofty goal. However, that's who they are quoting as proof that they aren't a monopoly at this point with the recent acquisition.
RE: Can Anyone Load
Now my next question:
How do I point a subdomain to a hostname attached to as specific port as something other than a web redirect?Basically I want to go to ip.of.plex.server:32400/web. That or do something with an Apache virtual host for that and figure out how to get Plex to run on Port 80.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Just got home from karaoke and trivia at Applebees!
RE: Random Compliments/Gratitude Thread
@Minion-Queen said:
@thanksaj said:
Just wanted to give a shout-out to the best boss I ever had, @Minion-Queen. The very close second is my original sales manager from Staples but Danielle still takes the cake.
Aww thank you AJ!
You are most welcome. So re-read that any time you're feeling down!