Can't wait to see everyone here! FYI - they are renovating the lobby of our building so you need to enter through the back, which is on 42nd St just west of 5th Ave (south side of the street). The address is 501 Fifth Ave, there's a sign above the entrance.

Posts made by shannon
RE: NYC Mango Meetup June 23, 2017
RE: Deploy AetherStore 2.0, Plant a Tree!
We tallied the numbers earlier this week from the "Deploy AetherStore, Plant a Tree" campaign we ran for Earth Day, and were able to plant 222 trees!
Thanks to everyone who participated
The donation was made to The National Forest Foundation if you'd like to learn more about where our contribution went.
Big pat on the back for everyone who planted a tree(s) by deploying AetherStore!
RE: NYC Mango Meetup June 23, 2017
@aboyd it's not a #realsmore without Hershey's!!!! @JaredBusch gets it.
RE: NYC Mango Meetup June 23, 2017
Hey Everyone, we're getting excited for the Mango Meetup in NYC!
Since we've just gone live with AetherStore 2.0, we have an offer for those planning to make the trip: for anyone who upgrades to AetherStore Unlimited within the week, we'll reimburse your travel to the meetup up to $100.
We think the numbers work out pretty well, and hopefully can help more people make it into town! Use this link to upgrade. If you're new to AetherStore, use this link to create your account.
How it will work: upgrade using the link above, send us your travel receipts, and we'll reimburse all AetherStore Unlimited customers for travel immediately following the meetup. We're looking forward to seeing as many of you here as possible!
RE: AetherStore Update: Add Node Functionality Added
@Dashrender once those other nodes are updated you should be able to see them and the Store! With this update machines need to be on the same version to communicate.
RE: AetherStore Update: Add Node Functionality Added
Note about updating: make sure to update all of the computers in your Store so everything runs smoothly. You don't need to delete any existing Stores to transition to the update.
RE: AetherStore Update: Add Node Functionality Added
@JaredBusch that's what we like to hear!
AetherStore Update: Add Node Functionality Added
We just put out a new release with the functionality to "Add Node" to your existing Store, check it out on your Downloads page!! If you haven't created an account yet you can do so here.
Several of you have have asked about/known this update was coming (@BRRABill @Dashrender and others) so we're looking forward to hearing what you think!
RE: NYC Mango Meetup June 23, 2017
@scottalanmiller On it. I'll start stocking the AetherBar now...
RE: Happy Earth Day!! Giving Away Three $50 Gift Cards in ML TODAY!
Congrats to @travisdh1, @JaredBusch and @NerdyDad!!! You'll receive a gift card via Amazon to the email address used to deploy your Store.
Thanks everyone! Remember, we're planting trees for each computer you all deployed to as well!
Have a great weekend!
RE: Happy Earth Day!! Giving Away Three $50 Gift Cards in ML TODAY!
You're AS 2.0 pro now!
RE: Happy Earth Day!! Giving Away Three $50 Gift Cards in ML TODAY!
@NerdyDad :ok_hand_tone1: great!!
RE: Happy Earth Day!! Giving Away Three $50 Gift Cards in ML TODAY!
@travisdh1 it is on our minds for the future but perfecting AetherStore for Windows is the priority at the moment. I'll share any timeline info on that as I get it! I hope you're able to check it out on Windows in the meantime!
RE: Happy Earth Day!! Giving Away Three $50 Gift Cards in ML TODAY!
I'm sure there will be more opportunities for $$$
RE: Happy Earth Day!! Giving Away Three $50 Gift Cards in ML TODAY!
To clarify: gift card = $50 Amazon Gift Card! $$$
Happy Earth Day!! Giving Away Three $50 Gift Cards in ML TODAY!
We announced yesterday that we'll donate to have a tree planted for EVERY computer AetherStore is deployed on until the end of April. To kick things off for Earth Day, we're going to pick THREE users in ML who deploy TODAY to win a $50 gift card!
All you need to do is deploy AetherStore 2.0 today (can be done <2 minutes). Anyone who has not yet deployed 2.0 is eligible.
We will announce the ML winners today at 5pm EST. It's a one day contest so your chances are pretty good
Good luck everyone, help us plant some trees!
RE: Deploy AetherStore 2.0, Plant a Tree!
@Reid-Cooper thanks
Shooting for a small AetherStore forest!
Deploy AetherStore 2.0, Plant a Tree!
If you haven't checked out the AetherStore 2.0 Early Release yet, now you can do it for a good cause!
With Earth Day coming up, we're going to donate to have one tree planted for every machine AetherStore 2.0 (totally free!) is deployed on until the end of April. Download here!
We'll update everyone with information about where trees will be planted so you can see your work in action. Please feel free to post questions/comments about AetherStore here, or PM me!
Happy (early) Earth Day!!
RE: Why Choose AetherStore Over a NAS?
Hey Everyone, tons of great questions on AetherStore here! We’ve been enjoying watching the thread keep expanding over the past few days and have clarified some important points below. Please let us know if there are any other questions, we’re happy to expand on anything you want to know more about.
Redundancy: 4x is the default but this is customizable. We price per usable (fully replicated) space, so if you believe you need increased availability, the pricing model rewards higher replication. AetherStore also proactively maintains your redundancy level. As machines go down it will recopy chunks to live nodes to maintain full replication. Also important: machines going offline does not cause data loss. If you need to read or write to the drive, yes - some machines need to be turned on.
As @scottalanmiller pointed out, AetherStore will not allow you to write to the drive if it cannot achieve full replication. In past versions a write could be completed locally even if not enough machines were online, assuming redundancy would be achieved when machines come back on. We’ve changed the way writes are completed in AS 2.0 to prioritize redundancy instead. So now, every time you’ve completed a write you know it’s been successfully written to (n) machines. In the future, we look forward to introducing write profiles, so you can select how you would prefer to write.
Speed: AetherStore is a robust, affordable and secure backup target that provides quick enough read times to serve its intended purpose well – reducing downtime, helping you meet RTO when the crunch is on. That said, if fast write speeds are your most important requirement AetherStore may not be the product for you right now. For every write, data is chunked, encrypted (twice) and stored across many machines. The same is true for the metadata, and there are environmental factors in every network to consider. These things take time. AetherStore’s complexity under the hood is what enables it to be a truly resilient, secure, flexible product.
Resource Consumption on Machines: @NetworkNerd: what @JaredBusch said - nothing noticeable. We run AetherStore constantly and have not observed effects on the machines nor has it been reported by users. We do have numbers on this, our QA engineer is currently updating them for the 2.0 release so I will send them through when I have them!
Mount Machine: What you guys are referring to as the “head node” here. You’re correct that AetherStore supports one mount machine at a time. You can change the mount machine after deploying a Store at any time using the dashboard. If the mount machine goes down, just use the Dashboard to select a new one. The mounted drive is locked and password protected. It can also be unmounted completely which provides a cool veiled mode for the drive. Data remains perfectly intact but the drive is invisible/inaccessible until remounted. As @scottalanmiller pointed out, you don’t need the mount machine to contribute a certain amount of storage. However, choosing a fast/good machine as the mount will definitely help performance!
Linux: we don’t support Linux in the current release but it’s far not off. I’ll keep you updated on it!
AetherStore 2.0 Release: we’re in the process of rolling this out now! If you gave us your info at MangoCon you will already be in one of the Early Release groups and should receive an email shortly.
Thanks again for all the great input!
RE: Dara IT on Medium
Nice, @Breffni-Potter! I usually read a couple Medium pieces each morning, I like the variety. Just followed Dara IT