@Dashrender I just want my laptop to work. he apparently downloaded it from the Window's website.

Posts made by SarawithanH
RE: Windows 8 Help!!!!
Windows 8 Help!!!!
My lovely, wonderful, well meaning husband decided our Dell Inspiron needed to have Windows 8. I have no earthly clue how he installed it, or what on earth he did, but now the permissions are messed up, we cannot restore to factory settings and after utilizing Google and rephrasing the queries, I cannot make anything work.
Things that are currently messed up include and are probably not limited to:
1.) Network path settings
2.) Permissions, even though I have administrator rights
3.) Inability to change permissions
4.) Inability to use Word, Excel, Powerpoint
5.) Inability to download anything from the internet (ie: itunes)Pretty please help me????
Be careful of a certain vendor on SpiceWorks my friends.... grumblings from the grapevine allude to some shiestyness occurring.
RE: Its amazing how many vendors....
Funny thing I just realized: if you watch the demo, and the fact that Quorum is a customer of theirs, it might explain some of the reviews... just food for thought.
RE: Its amazing how many vendors....
@thanksaj That's literally what we were encouraged to do in a round about way by our SW account manager. (Will I get in trouble for saying that on here?)
RE: Its amazing how many vendors....
So how does it look when you have zero reviews on SW? I haven't even attempted to tackle that yet as its hard enough for me to get a customer to find time to do a case study, let alone have them go create a SW profile to go write a review for us.
RE: Best Books for Learning to Program/Code in C++
Thank you all so much!!!!!!
Best Books for Learning to Program/Code in C++
Hi everyone,
I am wanting to get one of my younger brother's friend a beginners book on C++. However, in looking around online, I have come to the conclusion that I am completely lost on the best one to get him.
Do any of you have any suggestions for me? Please, I beg of you, I will end up buying an unnecessary library without some sort of guidance.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Eating chili cheese fritos, drinking my green tea and trying to not bite my tongue off as I silently listen to the person on the other end of the phone.
RE: GFI Woes
I hope everyone's day is going fantastically!
@Carnival-Boy, I am first off, I am really sorry for how poorly your customer experience was. I know first hand that is frustrating beyond belief, especially when you (or your company) is paying a good amount of money and can't seem to get issues resolved.
As far as Waterford's 3rd party archive for Office365, Microsoft does not allow us to access their servers and extract any information. Therefore, being able to actually have a log like what you had with GFI wouldn't be completely possible. We do have a very good reporting side to our software, which you would be able to go back and quickly see if the emails came into a specific mailbox, but it wouldn't be a log like what I assume is what you are currently having issues with.
Can you explain to me a little bit more about how the log works? Is it a generalized one for all mailboxes or do you have to go search by mailbox user?
RE: Kinda Wish I Was in Austin...
@Dominica It's only been since I've become a mom that I've learned the necessity to plan for things. It still trips me up sometimes. But thankfully I have a patient husband.
RE: Kinda Wish I Was in Austin...
@scottalanmiller I've never realized that was a strength. hahaha growing up my dad told me it was being wreckless because I never had a "plan", that I was "going out of my way" to make things more difficult than they needed to be. I don't think I'm on the same level as you, but I constantly will undertake things that make me nervous or uncomfortable in order to better myself, be it personal or work related.
RE: Kinda Wish I Was in Austin...
WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!?!?!
Ok I apologize. But seriously.... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! I feel like you're looking for excuses and not taking a very worthwhile opportunity, even if it is at this point just an interview. Career changes come with risks, career changes come with... wait for it... change. No one likes change if it requires them to get out of their comfort zone. But you have to do that in order to get to where you want to be.
RE: Considering a Career Change to IT
@scottalanmiller well that makes way more sense!
Considering a Career Change to IT
(I hope this is the right place to be putting this.)
I have been with my company for a little over a year, starting off in sales, cold calling companies about our software, attempting and failing to get them to at least agree to a demo. After realizing that our little team of cold calling minions were not making sales, I did research and made a presentation to my company's higher ups to change the way in which we made sales and focused more on our marketing rather than doing the Ron Burgandy style that we were doing.
Anyways, since day one, I have been almost ravenous in learning about technology as a whole, and have really started to narrow it down to email servers (as it pertains to what we sell)... but I think I don't want to be on this end of technology. Every time I talk to someone in IT I feel like I'm a little kid getting told the greatest story on planet earth, I want to know more, I ask so many questions that I'm sure it becomes aggravating to whomever I am speaking with.
Here's my question(s): How did you all know or decide to take the career path you did with IT? How did you get there? It seems like such a huge spectrum, how did you find your sweet spot within it?
RE: Inappropriate Kids Books
This cracks me up. Now I'm going to be looking for this every time I read my 3 year old a book.
@scottalanmiller Absolutely!
Unfortunately, MailMeter for Office365 differs from MailMeter for Exchange or Lotus Notes because Microsoft does not allow us to access their servers and extract any information. Therefore, we are unable to do a history capture against Office 365, and we are unable to strip out attachments and leave shortcut stubs.
All other functions of MailMeter remain the same. We collect email from Office 365 using an SMTP listener that basically receives a copy of every email that is sent through the Office 365 environment. The archive can be either be stored locally or in the cloud.
Rightfully, this begs the question, why would anyone want to purchase email archiving when Office 365 offers local archiving and tons of email box space? I quickly made a comparison chart that answers this.
I figured I would make the title as blatantly self serving as possible... I liken it to an homage in my mind to truth in advertising.
I just wanted to take the time to introduce the company I work for, Waterford Technologies and share with you all our software solutions.
We offer MailMeter, which delivers email archiving for Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino servers. It has options for storage reduction, ediscovery, reporting and compliance.
For the file server side, we offer both File Analyzer and File Archiver, which gives reporting and archiving for file servers.
We also have a fax server solution called GoldFax, which removes the need to print docs in order to fax them and enables the end user to fax from Windows applications, email or a browser.
Also, "we" are a huge fan of cat memes, haikus, and mustaches. And by "we", I totally mean me. So if ever you find yourself emailing me, you have been warned.
Have a fantastical day everyone!!!!!!! (And thank you for reading my bit of company promotion.)