Hello Community,
xfreerdp is being installed on SuSE 15SP2 "freerdp-2.0.0~rc4-13.2.x86_64". Works fine with remote desktop having Windows 10.
but one of the remote windows system has 5 Monitors. And when we start remote sessions, it shows only one monitor display. I do not know how do I switch between multiple monitor display or if it is at all possible?
The command which we are using is as follows,
/usr/bin/xfreerdp /v:X.7.X.1 /u:admin /gt:rpc +gfx-small-cache /bpp:8 /multimon:force +smart-sizing
Kindly let us know if this is even possible. If yes, which parameters to use?
If you require additional information, kindly let us know.