"Help Help!, I'm stuck in this garage!" -Scott Alan Miller

Posts made by RobQ
RE: IT Quotes I Like
And with this, I"m at 30. WOOT! Job offers are inevitable now that they can see my ability to type text and click submit!
RE: tired
I feel for you Seiko. I had similar issues in my younger days, when I was single and didn't have anybody else looking out for me. I eventually found ways to make sure I got up and to work on time. Some things to try.
Multiple alarms, you need to have to get up to turn it off. I know some hard sleepers that have the old timey alarms with the bells.
Go to sleep at a reasonable hour. If you aren't getting 8-9 hours of sleep, start doing it.
Don't drink caffeine after at least noon. That stuff messes up your sleep big time. Any stimulants should be cut back if not totally avoided.
Work on a routine. Sleeping super late on weekends makes it really hard to get up on time on a Monday. Try your best to go to bed/wake up at the same time every day.
Exercise. While I wouldn't work out right before bed, a tired body sleeps better.
These are from experience. I lost a job as a youngster from being late to work a couple of times. While it's understandable that people struggle with things like this, it is 100% your responsibility to work it out. Your employer has to make reasonable accommodations to you, and allowing you to come in at noon isn't one.
As far as your getting bent out of shape by responses to your post, you chose to post it, nobody asked for that information. Share at your own risk.
RE: Chopping off their own feet....
@IRJ said:
@Huw3481 said:
What you're missing is IRJ bitching about mods with no justification,
A post got deleted, IRJ called the mods about it, even though he admitted that the OP had deleted the post themselves, but apparently that's all the mods fault.
As a current mod I don't like getting called on rumour, hearsay and personal viewpoints.
I am entitled to my opinon.
Obviously my opinion matters to you alot since you haven't posted here in 2 months but thought it was appropriate to come here just to post this. Either you frequently troll this forum or somebody tipped you off to this thread. Either way, I am impressed
Actually your post about SW mods bumped the 2 month old thread. So if were were following it 2 months ago and haven't been very active since, that's the only reason we would have seen it.
RE: Chopping off their own feet....
@IRJ said:
@RobQ said:
@IRJ Could it be that they avoid you for other reasons? No offense, but maybe it's not the fact that you are here that makes you unpopular there. It could be other things that have caused this. And with your last post in SP's, I don't think you're winning many friends. And this probably goes for alot of us. If we are here venting about them, it's probably going to effect our attitude over there and our disdain is going to be transparent.
I personally don't care what people think. I have never had alot of friends on SW
I'm sorry if I got the wrong impression by "There are a few Spicy Peppers that avoid me now because of my participation on here. Anyone else on Mangolassi experience this?" I was highlighting that it is possible that it is the way you are carrying yourself or your lack of presence, and not merely your participation here that made you feel like you were being avoided. I can't imagine why and Sp would just ignore you for that reason. I'm here, but not active, and others are here and active.
RE: Chopping off their own feet....
I absoultly never said he didn't have a right to his opinion. I was unclear as to what he was trying to say> I've since talked to him online, and we're goo.
RE: Chopping off their own feet....
@IRJ Could it be that they avoid you for other reasons? No offense, but maybe it's not the fact that you are here that makes you unpopular there. It could be other things that have caused this. And with your last post in SP's, I don't think you're winning many friends. And this probably goes for alot of us. If we are here venting about them, it's probably going to effect our attitude over there and our disdain is going to be transparent.
RE: Chopping off their own feet....
I know this is an old thread, but I'm not understanding RAM's POV. He seems to be saying because another site doesn't have a private chat room in a private forum, he prefers another site that doesn't have private chat-rooms or private forums.
RE: What is Your Favourite Movie?
@ajstringham Shawshank is my fav. Good list. I don't know what it is exactly, but I could watch that movie on repeat and never get tired of it.
RE: Chromebooks See Huge Growth
A user of mine just got one (personal use), and he let me play with it for a couple of days. If you use Office 365 (Outlook online) or Office Online, it's really pretty great. He just uses his for web and does all his work when traveling through an RDP app for Chrome. They are light, cheap, and fast. Not a bad call at all.
RE: My side work
Very cool. What a bargain for art! We had some of our kids pics printed on Metal, and we have really loved them. For whatever reason, the colors are so vivid. Nice work.
RE: Interesting day today
@david.wiese Sorry I was overly vague. I Don't blame Jaguar (Poster of meme) or even Chad (Complainer). Chad is who I was referring to. I disagree with the way he handled it, but the CM's just validated that behavior. There are always going to be people with twisted panties. If the CM's get in the panty untwisting business, it's going to be tough going for them. Vagueness, and complacency by the CM team is a big part of what led Chad to even post the complaint. When you report a post, it just says, "We'll get back soon". I can understand that Chad may have thought he was being ignored because he reported a Mod.
RE: Interesting day today
The thing about that thread is I don't blame the poster. I disagree with his whining, but the blame lies with those that rewarded the behavior. I'm sure I know I've reported or complained about things others didn't agree with, and I certainly didn't get my way. And that's the way it should be. Except for their handling of the contests page. It drives me f'ing bonkers.
RE: The conundrum of being a "Jack of all trades" on the Job hunt.
@Bill-Kindle I've seen that with Huge companies too. I think it's universal. As I mentioned I was auto-denied at the University of Arkansas because I don't have a bachelors for a Network Engineer role. I've gone around that and spoke with the department head, so I'm in consideration, or so he says.
RE: The conundrum of being a "Jack of all trades" on the Job hunt.
@scottalanmiller Gotcha. I understand that. That's my conundrum. I really don't want to work for walmart or just take care of a set of switches/routers for a living.
RE: The conundrum of being a "Jack of all trades" on the Job hunt.
@PSX_Defector I'm really wanting to live in the Northwest Arkansas (Fayetteville) Arkansas to be near family. If I was willing to work anywhere, Dallas, Austin, or Houston would probably be my destination. Of course I might be able to work remotly as well, but it seems lots of companies are kind of moving back away from that.