Thanks everyone! I don't have the best javascript chops, but I can hack it to get it to work.
On a side note regarding Javascript, does anyone have any good resources for coding styles/best practices?
Thanks everyone! I don't have the best javascript chops, but I can hack it to get it to work.
On a side note regarding Javascript, does anyone have any good resources for coding styles/best practices?
@thanksaj Nice!
I run Plex on Linux and have noticed that performance will decrease over time. Never really dug into it. I'll do this tonight I'm sure it will make my kids happy!
@scottalanmiller Thanks!
I know you had responded in the other thread too..., so double-thanks!
I wanted to plug (pun intended) my stuff so I can get some feedback - and, I'm kinda proud of the thing..., I wrote my own!
The major benefit? Building your menu structure is dead easy compared to before. It's all XML based. You can report on your data. Since I am storing the menu selections in generic-named fields, you can imagine how much easier reporting would be compared to having a category called 'Software,' then another attribute called 'Microsoft Office,' etc. Waaay easier, IMHO.
It supports your existing categories too!
In the app:
In the new ticket form:
In the user portal:
Check it out and let me know how it works out for you - - - I need feedback! @Bill-Kindle has tried it, so should you!
I didn't realize there was a new domain...that would explain why you're not doing coexistence, which is what most normal installations would follow. Not saying it couldn't be done, I mean you could create a domain trust and go that route, but things are a bit more clear now.
Just be know, you should reach out to Jay6111 in the SW forums, he's awesome with Exchange and might have some good tips.
I personally wouldn't do this - I would let Exchange do it naturally, you might run into wonky permissions issues and cause yourself more headaches in the future.
Something like this:
Again it's been awhile, and I think there are a few different ways to do what you're trying to do.
It's been a few years, but I migrated our Public Folders from 2003 to 2010 by adding the 2010 Exchange server as an additional replication partner. Once the folders were completely moved over, I updated the public folder location using PowerShell (there's a lot of documentation out there that goes over this process) and then removed the old Exchange server from the Public Folder synchronization partners.
I'd have to look it up again, but it wasn't terribly difficult.
I'm no expert, obviously
Somewhat relevant link:
If you're not averse to rolling your own, you could build a Linux box with FreeNAS. We used the commercial version (TrueNAS) at my last job, and it worked great. You could pick up a SuperMicro Chassis with multiple drive bays and go from there - heck, I'm using an old MediaSmart Ubuntu server for my main 2.68TB media share (although not for FreeNAS).
There's not much difference between the free/commercial offerings from what I recall...or are there specific features you're looking for?
Looks like this may have started around 6:00pm or so last night
This dude seems to think it was a DDOS attack.
MX magic had to be invoked - fortunately, we have a spam appliance in house - she's going to be busier than normal today!
Stupid Internet of "things" what the hell.
Now that we're at the point where my refrigerator gets hacked and ruins my pot pie...what a shitty time to be alive.
The only thing that bugs me about Reddit is how really useful/thoughtful comments can get lost if made late in the "life" of the post.
That, and the overall doucheness of most users there. I peruse Reddit daily, but posting something is an invitation to be nitpicked to death by the neckbeards.
Mines not terribly different:
My home computer running 23" and 19" secondary screen
HP MediaSmart 745 running Ubuntu Server and Plex for my home media
pfSense 2.0.2 Firewall running on old Supermicro box
HP msm430 b/g/n series AP
16 port Linkskey GB switch
Dell 1950 with 20GB RAM, 1TB RAID 1 setup, running Hyper-V 2012 Server
@Nic I thought that's what the Christmas card was going to ask me to do?
I'm think Scott is correct. Since a Layer 3 switch provides routing, there should be no issues with VLAN1 communicating with VLAN2 on the same switch, even if they are plugged into each other. I would think the switch, being layer 3, would have a local static route so that inter-VLAN traffic could occur?
That would make sense, even from a hypothetical approach - on a layer 3 switch, it really wouldn't make sense to forward traffic destined for a local device on a different VLAN to another device and then back. Of course, this is exactly how layer 2 switches have to do it, but you get my meaning!
@chutestrate said:
So unless other arrays are created $args would be the only array with many elements contained within it.
You're overcomplicating this - There's no 'unless' here. I'm not sure where you got this from what we posted. Other "things" have no bearing on the state or existence of $args. $args is always an array. Before you run a script or function, it does not exist. Then, it is generated every single time you execute a script or function within the confines of that script or function. When the script/function ends, the $args array is destroyed.
It could be full of elements, it could be empty. It all depends how the script or function is executed. Did arguments get passed to the script when it was ran? Yes? Then $args has elements contained within it. No? Then $args is a null (empty) array. Like my example of an egg carton. It could be empty, but it still exists.
The thing to remember here while learning this is to empty your mind and read our posts at face value. We are going to tell you only the things you need to know in order to understand the concept. When you start making assumptions and leaps about things we didn't mention is really where you are getting into trouble.