There was a lot of good stuff but I resisted.
Posts made by Reid Cooper
RE: What Have You Bought in the Steam Summer Sale?
RE: Ajenti web admin panel
That looks pretty useful. Thanks for turning me on to this one.
RE: Training someone to troubleshoot
Teaching someone to think differently can be done but is a tall order. If she has the aptitude she will likely take to it quickly on her own. If not, training her is probably not realistic.
RE: Remote Desktop and Desktop Shortcuts
This has always gotten me too. A huge pain about RDP
RE: How hard is net+?
@wowitsdave said:
I did Net+ a few months after A+, I got a nearly-perfect score. Lots of carryover.
+1 on the exam cram, but I didn't just cram- I researched answers that I don't know.
There was no networking on the original A+ versions. It was as if they were written by people who had never seen a network.
RE: Cheapest node.js hosting company
Heroku is the big name. EngineYard should be worth a look see.
RE: Bits and Bytes Academy (1983)
It is really quite amazing how much they knew about how computing would evolve. It isn't very impressive.
RE: Sharepoint - how do you use it?
OneDrive is brilliant. Been using it a bit lately and it works quite well. I use the personal one as much as the business one.
RE: Needing Helpdesk Support in Fort Worth, TX
@David-M welcome to MangoLassi. Its a great community. And good luck on the job hunt. Great to see the community helping people to make connections.
RE: Sharepoint - how do you use it?
SharePoint is amazing but loaded with almost overwhelming numbers of features. You can use it in so many ways. And then comes running custom code on top of it. Then it really gets intense.
SharePoint in the last few versions has really started to address file server needs and can covet many aspects of traditional file serving.
RE: Big changes coming to iPhone messaging
@JaredBusch said:
I use a combination of LINE or Messages. about 50% of my SMS go out iMessage instead
Don't know LINE.
RE: Comparing the CBM PET and the TRS80 in 1977
You've been on a kick about this stuff recently.
RE: InfoWorld: What We Hate About Obj-C
Does anyone like Objective-C? So outdated and painful.