Good afternoon folks, I feel it is time to speak of wicked and scary things... cough cough cough I mean... the misleading things that some people say in offensive fashions.
First off Halloween is of pagan origin, which is in itself awesome. But Protestant Christian's celebrate All Hallows Eve as a day of reformation. Once again something that is awesome.
The problem is some "good Christians" have tainted this day as a "satanic day", worshiping the devil, and all hail the anti-christ. Once again, something I would refer to as a "bad Christian."
"BUT RYAN YOU'RE AN ATHEIST!!!!" Yes, I am, deal with it.
Why do I care though? Because over the years I find it amusing when these self professed "good Christians" start discussing their beliefs and how they are better. These are the same people who try to school you in religious trivia, tell you you're ignorant, and end their day with "being gay is wrong and disgusting, its against my religion." Which I find hilarious, honestly its the sort of thing that is a tear jerker.
But once again I'm an atheist why do I care? Because trying to hide ignorance and bigotry with a shroud of "but its my religion" is fine... if you're practicing the religion properly.
Practicing it improperly? The verses in the bible constantly beaten into our heads is usually something from Leviticus, telling us how horrid we are, and try to beat us up. But why does this matter? Because... the information used to beat other christains is information and verses from... the old testament. Why does this matter? Because anyone who lives their lives by the old testament, anyone who insults another person using verses, using any scripter from the old testament better be Jewish. If they aren't... I have some bad news... celebrating halloween won't be what sends you to hell... its the fact you're defying Jesus himself. For shame, for shame.
Why type all this up and hurt peoples feelings? Because, its freaking halloween lets all have fun scaring each other, hurting each others feelings, and enjoy season. Don't insult someone because you think they're wrong, you may be wrong all along. Might as well deal with it and have fun :-).
(side note, drinking alcohol, shaving your beard, having short hair, and gay love... all against leviticus... so don't judge and shut up)