@Pete-S Hey Pete, 40" to 55" sound's crazy.
Posts made by Osvaldo
RE: Two or three screens. what is your choice? or just one.
Two or three screens. what is your choice? or just one.
Just to know, I am with two 24" fullHD because it has around the height of an A4 paper page. and not 4k because at the distance can't see much of a difference while working. (gaming different deal) what are your choices?
RE: Comparing MeshCentral 2 to ScreenConnect
Is there any support for OSX from MeshCentral 2? or if you know a link on how to?
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Making a script to install most of the software without clicks (if possible) from a list of programs (click and forget kind of)
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
Looking forward to buy Space engineers
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Hello to all new people!
RE: PowerShell: Running the Get-Command command in a remote session reported the following error
just the obvious contact MS or maybe was "Netsh" done? to take control
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Making a design in Indesign (how redundant!)
RE: Bits and Bytes (1983)
jejeje I remember been super young and curious!!! so long ago... wonderful times
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
I am testing it now, some bugs still, but running good locally and remotely for now
RE: Bits and Bytes (1983)
Hey, I watched some of these videos with my friend years ago when we were 5, it remind me of my old commodore 64 and making my first program and taking it apart and getting grounded!!! funny times!!
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
writing a script to change wallpapers from a variable list of images for all users in a network without closing session
RE: Email not showing in Outlook, but Have Been Delivered?
yes, it is intermedia
Email not showing in Outlook, but Have Been Delivered?
I have checked the server which is Gentoo (Linux) and it is receiving the emails and sending them to a email service and, this services says it received and delivered correctly. But, the client's computer's Outlook is not showing the emails from the FAX/server only and there are no filters anywhere and Outlook trash is Ok. Any ideas?
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Thank you @scottalanmiller, and Hello everybody from southamerica! Bolivia!