I just got a call from http://movingamericaforward.tv/
The are looking to do a feature on NTG and ME!! Just cause I am so cool!! Have a meeting tomorrow with the head producer. I will be interviewed by William Shatner , this is kinda cool!
I just got a call from http://movingamericaforward.tv/
The are looking to do a feature on NTG and ME!! Just cause I am so cool!! Have a meeting tomorrow with the head producer. I will be interviewed by William Shatner , this is kinda cool!
I want to take the time to thank you, the vendors, for being part of the very first MangoCon!!
While I will fully admit there were some things we needed to learn and change for next year, overall, I believe we had a successful first year! We have had a great response from those that were there who want to come again. We also (due to craziness in posting to MangoLassi, from the conference itself) have about 32 people who want to purchase tickets for 2017 that did not attend.
Please reach out to Minion Queen to ask for an attendee list. Total Attendees: 32 (tickets sold were 65). Not as many as we hopped but still a good turnout for our first go around. We will not be providing email addresses but you can reach out via the community chat and ask questions, etc.
I want to thank each of you for being there!
Scale Computing: We were happy to see Jenny and Frank there and to have you join in on the festivities each night, and Frank- thank you for bringing Cards Against Humanity!
Starwinds: Thank you for sending Max! Everyone hopes he will be there again next year to do at least one session, but hopefully more. The people who won the Raspberry Pi’s are also happily playing with them now, I am sure.
Webroot: Thank you for sponsoring Thursday night’s dinner. Pasta, BBQ pulled pork… very yummy! Also, the NFR Keys are always a great giveaway. Nic’s session was well liked, too.
Colocation America: The (lawyers will be calling soon) game that shall not be referred to as “Jenga” was a great distraction, when people needed to interact with one another. Finding Coly kept people busy! The competition on both fronts was fierce! Having you join us for all the late night fun also gave you a special place in all our hearts… and we have video!
NTG: Thank you for providing much needed candy and snacks to get us through our long sessions and for sponsoring the dinner and open bar for the Keynote at well. Also, thanks for hiding some minions to keep us busy (I know an attendee is still holding 2 hostage!).
Aetherstore: Thank you for being there (I think the Holo-lense might be everyone's favorite conference gadget). Rob thank you for speaking for the 2 separate sessions. And as always for the drinking at Victoire, you always know how to ramp up an already good time.
Xbyte: We were sad that you couldn’t attend, however, your beach balls made appearances all over the place, and our trip to Letchworth on Saturday was a much needed break (and beautiful trip) for our weary travelers! There was plenty of burgers, bbq chicken, salads, beer and pop/soda/coke for all to enjoy!
We are very excited to be already deep into planning the next MangoCon, July 26-28, 2017. It will be held at the Holiday Inn Downtown in Rochester, NY, once again. The venue was great, and the staff was even better than the venue was. I will be sending out pricing for next year sometime in the next couple weeks so that you can get it in your budgets for next year. There will be a discount for those of you that participated this year.
We hope to see you there!
Our lab is officially moving to a Colocation America Data Center in Los Angeles California. @art_of_shred and I will be leaving the Western NY office on Sunday May 15th and working in North Carolina Monday-Tuesday then heading out on an epic road trip from Salisbury, NC to Los Angeles, CA. Keep an eye out for pics all along Route 66.
We hit 1,000,000 Page Views for the month of November!!! That is an amazing milestone for our community, thank you all!
We have a signed location contract. Drum Roll PLEASE!!!
September 14-16, 2016 Holiday Inn Downtown Rochester NY
September 14 5pm-???
17th there will be some sort of optional excursion to Niagara Falls or Letchworth State Park.
Tickets will go on sale after the first of the year and the website is being built as we speak by @DoughnutDestroy!
Agenda information etc. to follow.
I am really excited to see you all there!
I now have a new domain and plan to do a blog and various other things.
TheMinionQueen.com! Nothing there yet. But there will be!
As NTG grows and Grovesocial/ML grow I am finding I am less and less able to wear so many hats . So I am SUPER happy to say that @art_of_shred, is stepping into my amazingly awesome shoes
as Managing Director. He will be taking over all client communications and day today operations of the NTG customer facing team.
I am still here and am President of NTG, so very much still involved with everything. I am getting to step into more sales and social stuff now though on both the NTG and GS/ML side. Which means I can have more fun now
Regardless of the rest of the discussion here. The new ML guidelines state that we will not be allowing anyone to post from that specific community any longer. I could care less if you post stuff from here there, but I do know your post will get deleted and possibly be put in account jail as well.
They don't want us posting stuff so whatever the reason legal or otherwise is not worth my headache or legal battle. I have never operated this community based on making a big profit off of you guys, so as you can imagine that is a big deal for me to not get sued.
I would like to officially welcome @Mike-Davis to the NTG team. He will be starting March 1st and we are thrilled to have him be part of our team. Because of course I always need more minions
It's that time of year again!! SpiceWorld is almost here!
So Tuesday around 11:30am is The annual brunch/lunch at http://www.maxswinedive.com/. Which is across from Hyatt Place on San Jacinto Blvd. There is no official sponsor for this so bring your own $$!! The food is awesome @pchiodo will tell you all about the Chicken Waffles.
Each night Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: Meet at Touches after the official stuff and we will start the annual #FollowSAM after Parties. Don't know where Touches is? Watch for @scottalanmiller & me @MinionQueen. We will meet here to start each night and wander as the alcohol need takes ya! Usually we have awesome Vendors who bring their credit cards along and pay for some drinks! Last year AetherStore was awesome!
Ways to follow us?
Keep checking back here to see what else will be going on I will keep the main OP (this one right here) updated so that it is easy to check!
First things first. I would like to introduce you to the Eaton team, hopefully I don't miss anyone....
Please make them feel really welcome around here and make sure to Ask them Anything!
YES THE ONLY AND ONLY SAM!!! So after 16 years of being a part-time, I am so darn happy to say as of Monday @scottalanmiller is with NTG full time!!!
Scott's focus around here will be on writing, best practice development and of course talking to you all! I have worked with Scott here at NTG for a long time and it will be great to have him around all the time.
An AMA style SpiceCorps from Auburn last month. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdFw6zDR74U
Tomorrow at 6pm is the start of what I have been working my butt off for the last almost year MangoCon!! I can't believe my check list is done (at least all the things @jenuinecase and I have thought of doing). Boxes are all packed. Making dinner for my team tonight (cause having more to do the night before a conference makes sense right?). And enjoying the evening, cause tomorrow the REAL CRAZINESS BEGINS!! We all leave here at 11am to setup the event space and start the FUN!!!
All the bills have been paid! I didn't go financially broke to do this, though insanity might be on my door step, for the next few days at least. I am nervous but really excited to meet all my Mangolassi.it posters in person (I don't know all of you yet). It should be a wild ride for the next 3 days!
Thank you to @jenuinecase , who was along for the ride and has kept me sane. @ataylor14 who covered for Jenny and I in the office for months.@gjacobse , @Mike-Davis , @Mike-Ralston & @art_of_shred who have kept things running. @scottalanmiller & @Dominica who without Scott dedicating a SIGINIFICANT amount of time to posting Mangolassi.it wouldn't be possible. And most of all Art for putting up with me while I do this It has been nuts. But we have made it and now I can relax for the next 20 hours until it all kicks off!
Aetherstore released their Partner program last Friday afternoon. NTG jumped right in. We are happy to partner with Aetherstore and can't wait to work with them and be able to resell to anyone who would like to check out their product!
I got an Apple Watch for Christmas. Love this thing, oh wait rethinking that now... until last night. Last night I was sitting on the deck with some friends at a local bar/restaurant. Just sitting, I had turned the notifications on my watch off about an hour before cause texting with family was driving me nuts (constant vibration). I got a nasty shock, which is the best way I can describe it, electrical shock. I took the watch off and my wrist under the watch it's self was all red with one small (about the size of a pencil tip) red mark, that burned and still does. Took the watch off shut it off and put it in my pocket. My wrist bothered me (not like had to go to the hospital or anything but was tender) for a couple hours. Later I decided to try and put the darn thing on again, and about half hour later it happened again (but had the watch on looser this time). So took it off and left it off after that.
Just spent the last HOUR on the phone with apple support. Talked to way too many people, was asked personal questions and they will not even look at the watch or get me a new one until I send them pics of my wrist with the watch on and without and the marks on it etc., and then they will decide in a few days if they will do anything.
I mean they asked if I had asthma!!! WTF?? What does that have to do with my apple watch?
Yes I am ticked off if you can't already tell that....
So if you will remember last week @thanksajdotcom sent me 3 Minion USB drives.
Well today I open a UPS package and this is what I find. So WHO Sent me these? THANK YOU!
We will be doing a MangoLassi Convention in the next 12-16 months. Vendors are begging me to do this. So on that note what types of deep dive training would you like to see?
@Rob-Dunn has said he is in. @scottalanmiller has no choice so he can do some as well. What do you as IT Pro's want to see?
Come check out my vendor page and account
And GG Account (not my normal every day account)
And follow me!
I am trying this out as a trial to see if it is worth the time, effort and cost to be able to post as a GG.
A place to post pics, chat about sessions and general conference mayhem while attending MangoCon 2016!
Here on ML: https://mangolassi.it/topic/10556/mangocon-2016
Twitter: @MangoConit #mangocon2016
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/mangoconit/
Gmail to find me over there: [email protected]
Also don't forget about peaking at the YouTube Channel:
This post will not go live until Wednesday 9/14