Infrastructure review
1 - UDM as output to the Internet
2 - 16 and 24 port Ubiquiti Switches
5 - Wireless Access Points
- Managers
- Staff
- Guest
Wireless Design
The POS and Managers network applies to all access points, in both 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz bands.
The Staff network is only for 1 access point in both bands.
When the Guest network is activated, it applies only to 3 access points on 2.4 Ghz.
If the GUEST network is activated, the POS network traffic is degraded, the tablets often lose communication with the spooler server that sends the print orders and many orders are lost from the spooler to the printers.
Several changes have been applied to correct this error, but only if the GUEST network is turned off in the UDM, POS network works fine.
In the Guest network the following has been done;
- Spread the network to only 3 access points.
- Restricted the use only for the 2.4 Ghz band.
- Activate only during the hours that customers are served.
POS Network Revision
- Tablets are Apple
- A software called TABIT is used
- This software controls all POS devices (iPad Tablets) and printers (EPSON through cable) from a central tablet doing the Spooler function.
Note: In another implementation I have only been able to make the POS network work if I put new dedicated devices only for this network.
Any observations/comments/advises ?