@AndyW There's a Rudys on 290 in NW Houston; save me a drive to Austin now I'm hungry!

Posts made by MattKing
RE: The Playback Machine
RE: Tonight's Project: Ubiquiti Router for Home
@scottalanmiller said:
Ubiquiti EdgeRouter Lite
Those are super sweet for a home setup, great buy! I've heard you can do marvelous things on the CLI/Console with them.
RE: Well, It Worked For Me
SMBs might rule by emotion but I don't have ALL the details or insight to give an answer. Let me make some calls first before I reply back. Hold on guys.
RE: Windows 8.1 IE 11 Youtube has no sound
@Dashrender I assume other applications means within IE and in Windows?
RE: Inside look at botnets
@JaredBusch Thanks, I always try to keep an eye on the black-hat and spam world; makes it easier to understand what we're defending against.
RE: Well, It Worked For Me
@Dashrender said:
I really like it. And you're right, we have all at least thought this in the past. I think I've grown enough to the point where I rarely if ever actually say it.
The biggest retort that I might have is that some employers, perhaps many, do judge harshly upon bad decisions not caring that it's reality. This judgement lead people to extreme fear/stress about their job status, and the desire for over the top ass covering. I definitely agree that we can't really grow as well in that situation.
@scottalanmiller great read! I thought there was a little fat, but it was very well written in your own style and sucked me in. The entire thing fit well into a good understandable concept that was easy to read. Edit: and insightful/informative for sure
@Dashrender I think a lot of that comes from solely metric-driven institutions that don't have a good grasp on the people in them. I agree; I'm all for "CYA" but only to a point, i would much rather employ a person that says a lot of "I" instead of "He/she/they". Now, where'd that article go I read about this....
RE: Can people sell non-private software?
@scottalanmiller said:
But Fail2Ban is free. So buying it from someone is pretty silly unless you want bundled support. Just download it, it's free.
Read up on GNU's site about the difference between "Free" as a price or as in do-what-you-want: "Redistributing free software is a good and legitimate activity; if you do it, you might as well make a profit from it."
The more you know.
Can people sell non-private software?
So I was looking around Plesk's website to check out the features and poke around. I found the security section and they advertise they use these cool tools called Fail2Ban and ModSecurity (with atomicorp's rules).
Obviously I'll explore other options for what I'm looking for, but is that allowed in the world of open-source?
Inside look at botnets
Found an interesting article from UCSB with details from when they were trying to take down the Cutwail botnet; one of the largest (known) in the world.
A little bit long, but I thought it was worth the read if you're interested in spam/botnet communities and tactics.
RE: Chumby Back from the Dead
@scottalanmiller said:
It's like a bedside unit. If it wasn't crap if like one. I want something like a tablet that isn't battery dependent and is less powerful that just goes bedside for basic news, streaming radio, Audible, Amazon Cloud Player, weather, alarm clock and the like.
I just don't want a one-show-pony i guess, I'd rather just get something like this. http://images10.newegg.com/productimage/58-975-039-01.jpg
RE: It is a good thing that....
@ajstringham said:
@scottalanmiller said:
This conversation made me have to have pizza at work since I was working late and they catered.
I went to Applebee's tonight.
I'm not a fan of their food, but their happy hour? Ridiculous.
RE: The Playback Machine
@scottalanmiller said:
@MattKing nope. Try eating in upstate NY. We come from a major food state.
Oh cool, my dad's side of the family is actually from Indian Lake. The food is WAY better up north, no kidding, I was just raised in the south and like my comfort food.
RE: The Playback Machine
@ajstringham @scottalanmiller Y'all yankees just don't get what all the fuss is about.
RE: The Playback Machine
@ajstringham said:
@MattKing said:
@ajstringham said:
@MattKing said:
Hahahaha so looking around to guage things out of curiosity there's "MySocialBook" that turns your Facebook history into a book.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Really? That's kinda cool.
Maybe like a yearbook; I just had terrors of the first few pages being awkward high-school relationships and strange 3am selfies at Whataburger.
ROFL! I never had issues with either of those things...no Facebook for me until halfway senior year in high school, never had a girlfriend in high school (or really ever for that matter), so no drama there, and I've never eaten at Whataburger...
I don't know if you have any food preference (or limitations) but I suggest you take some time and get a chicken tenders box. Don't worry it comes with the gravy standard. lol
RE: The Playback Machine
@ajstringham said:
@MattKing said:
Hahahaha so looking around to guage things out of curiosity there's "MySocialBook" that turns your Facebook history into a book.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Really? That's kinda cool.
Maybe like a yearbook; I just had terrors of the first few pages being awkward high-school relationships and strange 3am selfies at Whataburger.
RE: The Playback Machine
Hahahaha so looking around to guage things out of curiosity there's "MySocialBook" that turns your Facebook history into a book.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
RE: The Playback Machine
@ajstringham said:
@Dashrender said:
Am I missing something, or isn't this something like a supersized Facebook?
I think this would be a service that does it for you instead of the manual posting. It's like a meta-Facebook.
With the entire internet; kind of like a windows explorer for your entire online life.
EDIT: not the entire internet, just forums, facebook, etc. haha
RE: The Playback Machine
I feel the hardest part would be "Hey we just took $150k and ran into legal trouble, technical trouble, whatever-trouble"... which would not be a good place to be in.
RE: The Playback Machine
@scottalanmiller said:
@MattKing said:
Be right back, putting up kickstarter.
That'll be my next move.
Any guess what that would cost? Lol
Say 6mos startup window?
$150k for something presentable?
-$40k 6mo colo server rentals (need some horsies under the hood)
-$10k Google personnel bribes
-$90k for 4-6 peeps to take off work for 6mos
$10k misc hardware, pizza, and beer/soda