@thanksajdotcom In regards to 370, we didn't push auto updates to all clients for subsequent releases. 420 is the first that everyone is getting.
Best posts made by Josh
RE: When Does Pertino Push Out Updates to Windows Clients?
RE: My love and hate relationship with Pertino AD Connect
@JaredBusch Correct. This has been the one downside for AD Connect if you have users that frequent the office. Traffic is forced across the Pertino interface. 430 will allow you to designate "zones" where devices use local routes instead.
RE: Anybody Else having Pertino Problems?
Hey guys,
I was on a demo but here's the scoop. It looks like any connected devices should be fine, but we're experiencing latency for devices that were previously disconnected and coming online. We've got it up on the http://status.pertino.com/ page.
RE: Anybody Else having Pertino Problems?
I'd expect all devices to auto-reconnect upon resolution, but I'll post here as soon as we're in the clear.
RE: Anybody Else having Pertino Problems?
@hubtechagain said:
hey @Josh i'm not sure if your 100% correct about devices that were connected. on one of my networks i've got 14 of 47 devices connected, 15 or so of my offline devices are devices that were connected earlier in the day and haven't been rebooted. i've noticed pertino has been acting a little funky since this weekend. Can we get a little more info as to what's happening?
That's what I've got from engineering and seems consistent from other customers, but more details will follow and I'd expect a post-mortem.