@JaredBusch Beats the crap out of me, but when I was using their own modem and had changed the password, they were still able to push down the updates. I got my own modem (same brand, but upgraded to actually work with higher speeds unlike the garbage they stuck me with originally) -- and here again they were able to push down an update. Maybe they are built such that theres a way to force some part of the firmware to be updatable? All I know is version number changed, the modem was taken out of bridge mode, and all the garbage I had previously disabled (modem based DHCP, modem based Wifi network, etc) got turned back on.

Posts made by JeffReady
RE: Linksys Embraces DD-WRT
RE: Linksys Embraces DD-WRT
@scottalanmiller Yeah I own mine, but part of the Comcast situation is that they have to reg the modem on their end and (apparently) can still push updates down to it. Annoying at minimum.
RE: Linksys Embraces DD-WRT
There was once a good old day when Linksys was good...
I run DD-WRT on a Netgear Blackhawk (D7000 iirc, not one of the new ones), and it's been solid. Of course Comcast decided to push a friendly firmware update to my cable modem this weekend which reset the config, took it out of bridge mode and re-enabled the modem's own DHCP and routing services (and Lord knows what else), taking me offline. Annoying (not to mention a potential security nightmare)... mostly because I spent an hour jacking around before it even occurred to me to login to the modem and check it's settings.
RE: Our New Scale Cluster Arrives Tomorrow
It's only now I realize I should have included some bogus marketing material without telling you.
Oh the possibilities...