I would like to thank everyone for getting us all very drunk.
I have almost recovered.
I would like to thank everyone for getting us all very drunk.
I have almost recovered.
AJ, if you can't deal with the comments you get on here or in the other place then I pray to $DEITY that if you're posting on El Reg (which I assume is what you're alluding to) that you don't pull this sort of attitude over there.
Oh, I'm a member over there too.
This is going to bite you on the ass.
@thanksajdotcom said:
If I decide I do want to get into management, the Expert job will be a perfect segway. It's a keyholder position, leadership position, etc. I do well at this for awhile and I don't doubt the other will just happen at the right time.
a] Congrats.
b] Segue. Just sayin'Segway is a personal transport device
@Minion-Queen said:
More the needing an escort if I have to walk somewhere on my own etc. in the city.
You need one of those for Scott...
@Minion-Queen said:
I didn't say they couldn't drink just not heavily
Staying with it is the key here.
In which case I'm out too....
You are in danger of becoming a parody. If you wish to discuss it further, please contact me via PM.
I'm actually trying to help you here.
With all due respect (and not wanting to rain on your parade/ego) that domain has been around from about 2-3 months or so after thanksaj.com appeared.
It's not really there as an honour.
And no, it's nothing to do with me.
@thanksaj said:
But why that thread, and only that thread?
@thanksaj said:
@Huw3481 said:
Ok, I'll bite.
It's an established fact that ''The Church" took existing pagan festivals and subverted them to persuade people to convert to Christianity.
What sucks in your picture is that you are taking your view on Christianity and calling others out about it. That's verging on extremeism.
You can believe in whatever Sky Fairy you like. I don't gve a rat's ass. The wars between Catholics/Muslims/Other Christians are all down to your own interpretations of your holy books.
Don't JW believe Jesus was nailed to/hung from a tree rather than a cross?
If people who don't belive the same as you are defying Jesus himself, then I'm on the Highway to Hell.
This is one of those "keep your bloody opinions to yourself, AJ" discussions.
There are many religions as well as variations on single religions.
You can't all be right.
You keep your faith if it helps you, but it doesn't help me. Not one bloody iota.
Me, I'll make my own path.
He was hung on a stake and not a cross. The cross is another one of those pagan merges that so many people buy into. Romans used stakes as a rule, as wood as scarce in that region. So using two pieces of wood instead of just one made no practical sense. In addition to that, the original words use in Greek that so many translate as cross actually translates as stake or tree. Most of what most people believe about Christianity is pretty bastardized.
Isn't that "He was hung on a stake according to one version of some writings that nobody can really prove"?
And wouldn't the original words be in Aramaic?
@PSX_Defector Ain't nothing going slow ME down
Ok, I'll bite.
It's an established fact that ''The Church" took existing pagan festivals and subverted them to persuade people to convert to Christianity.
What sucks in your picture is that you are taking your view on Christianity and calling others out about it. That's verging on extremeism.
You can believe in whatever Sky Fairy you like. I don't gve a rat's ass. The wars between Catholics/Muslims/Other Christians are all down to your own interpretations of your holy books.
Don't JW believe Jesus was nailed to/hung from a tree rather than a cross?
If people who don't belive the same as you are defying Jesus himself, then I'm on the Highway to Hell.
This is one of those "keep your bloody opinions to yourself, AJ" discussions.
There are many religions as well as variations on single religions.
You can't all be right.
You keep your faith if it helps you, but it doesn't help me. Not one bloody iota.
Me, I'll make my own path.
@thanksaj said:
Yeah, but other than you, I don't think anyone here has the expertise to write that kind of script, not to mention time or desire. It's almost like someone downvoted a post, it wiped out everything up to that point, and started over.
That's a bit uncalled for, AJ. So we're all chopped liver that can't do diddley?
Here's a bit of "interesting" IT history.
When man was put on the moon, the return involved hitting a spot the size of an envelope. Too high? Off into space. Too low? Burn up on reentry.
The computing power we had could only calculate where the moon was to within about a mile.
@art_of_shred I didn't think you lot did subtle humour...