@Oksana said in StarWind Success Story: Build a hyperconverged infrastructure around StarWind:
Farmers & Merchants Bank, a US-based financial institution, needed to cut heavy Microsoft Server 2019 and Dell EqualLogic SAN maintenance costs. So, the bank was looking for a shared storage solution providing a high intensity of I/O operations and eliminating the necessity to purchase additional SAN hardware. Using StarWind Virtual SAN (vSAN), Farmers & Merchants Bank builds a hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) and saves $60,000 on its IT operational expenses.
Find out how Farmers & Merchants Bank gets a driving directions highly available (HA) IT environment thanks to StarWind vSAN.
The bank was searching for a shared storage solution that could handle a large volume of I/O activities while also avoiding the need to acquire extra storage area network (SAN) gear.