Hanging with @scottalanmiller @JentuTechnologies @Minion-Queen

Best posts made by FrostyPhoenix
RE: Would You Hire Someone in IT Who Does Not Have a Home Lab
For when folks say it can't be done...
What was your FIRST IT job? And how did you get it?
I'll go first...
Doing a Lotus Notes migration to Exchange for a law firm in NYC.
I was the guy reconfiguring blackberries for a few weeks in the back office -
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
@scottalanmiller said in If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!:
And welcome to @mazterjedi that I just realized is here now!
Welcome!! Coconut macaroons are on the counter to the left.
RE: Making a Bootable USB Stick on Linux Mint 17.3
Been using Mint for the last few days, and I actually LOVE it!
I used Ubuntu for a while, but man Linux Mint is just easier and more streamlined...
RE: Would You Hire Someone in IT Who Does Not Have a Home Lab
I have a virtual lab.
Virtual box with two windows vms, a linux vm, and three windows server vms.
A small linux vm (pfsense) for routing in th vm environment.That's all. Helped me many times when testing powershell scripts, learning concepts etc.
Took about six hours in total to setup...but no money as the laptop it runs on is pretty beefy.
RE: What did you have for lunch or dinner today?
@scottalanmiller said in What did you have for lunch or dinner today?:
I have veggie burgers for lunch. But tonight I'm going to Red Lobster with my cousin. And tonight, I mean late this afternoon.
Veggie burgers should be outlawed.
But I can't talk because I had a PB&J sandwich.Wfh today, wife is nowhere in town to advise against it.
RE: Would You Hire Someone in IT Who Does Not Have a Home Lab
@jt1001001 said in Would You Hire Someone in IT Who Does Not Have a Home Lab:
Speaking of lab stuff: After my boss gets back next week, I will probably have a couple big (and very very heavy) Dell 2900 towers to get rid of. They were former lab systems for us. I know one has 16GB ram in it, no idea what the other one has, either 160 or 250GB drives and PERC raid card (might be real raid cards not sure) if anyone is interested let me know otherwise probably off to the scrap heap. note these are VERY HEAVY TOWERS so would be local pickup in Buffalo NY not going to ship. Again have to check with the boss first to make sure its OK (company gets really weird about giving stuff away for some reason). Just want to put it out there
Man wish i lived closer....
RE: What are your sales email no-nos?
@nadnerB Cyanide and Happiness is one of my fave comics!
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
@JentuTechnologies said in If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!:
@scottalanmiller said in If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!:
Welcome to @JentuTechnologies ! Hopefully we can get them to provide their own introduction here on the community.
Hello Everyone, waving
I just joined yesterday, I am excited to be a part of this community and help wherever I can.
A big thank you to @scottalanmiller for introducing me to ML.I have been in the IT industry some 30 years easily, I still wake up daily with more energy than ever because I love what I do.
My Linkedin profile https://ca.linkedin.com/in/abrahammegidish gives the highlights, but I will be glad to share some of the experiences and trade stories with any who are interested. Some of my latest stories, may actually need a ghost writer to write the book.Security has always been a passion of mine right from the beginning, from my 1st job in my teens as a student working in the A/V room and the trust that was placed in me to take care of the material at SWC. I take pride in everything I do, I did then, I still do now.
I look forward to interacting with all of you, (as humanly possible :D)
Hey All!
I work in Desktop Engineering in the day time, and then at night I work with @JentuTechnologies coming up with ideas on new product offerings, drafting presentations and social media campaigns, testing stuff, and doing whatever else needs to be done to get the world to know about, and love, Jentu.Former NYC native, but NJ resident...yet still NYC in my heart
RE: HelpDesk Ticketing System
@Minion-Queen said in HelpDesk Ticketing System:
@DustinB3403 said in HelpDesk Ticketing System:
Simple to use, note capabilities, wiki or FAQ kind of feature would be great also.
What do you consider simple to use??? One ticket per page or see them all at once.
"Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"
"Is the power light on?" -
RE: Mango NYC Meetup
I might attend...gotta arrange babysitting procedures...
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@thanksajdotcom said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Trying not to die at work...
So far so good, I take it? Or is this zombie AJ posting?
RE: Add Active Directory User to Group using PowerShell
@scottalanmiller said in Add Active Directory User to Group using PowerShell:
When we work strictly from Windows Server Core installations we need to be able to do everything from the command line, even user management. Let's add a user that already exists into a group that already exists in Active Directory using only PowerShell.
To do this we have the handy Add-ADGroupMember PowerShell commandlet. This is very easy to use in its basic form, all we need is the name of the group and of the user that we want to add. In this case, I want to add user jane to the group "Domain Admins".
Add-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins" jane
That's it, jane is added automatically. This process, like most, is silent on success. To verify that all is as we want it to be, we can use the Get-ADGroupMember command to look up the members of a group.
Get-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins"
Can also do
Add-ADGroupMember -identity "Domain Admins" -members "jane" -WhatIf
to see if it gets added before actually running the command. -
RE: Mango NYC Meetup
90% sure I will attend on behalf of @JentuTechnologies ...looking forward to meeting @Minion-Queen and @scottalanmiller and everyone else.
RE: What was your FIRST IT job? And how did you get it?
@DustinB3403 said in What was your FIRST IT job? And how did you get it?:
The question was a rather simple one;
"What's the difference if I leave it open and click the minimize button versus closing it?"
Oh lawd, had a number of those thrown at me while working at the law firm
RE: What was your FIRST IT job? And how did you get it?
@DustinB3403 said in What was your FIRST IT job? And how did you get it?:
I was a file clerk for a local car dealership, and happened to be answering an IT related question as the IT administrator was walking in.
Was given a job in that department the following day.
Same here! Came from office services/copy boy background.
How I miss the whireof the Xerox sometimes....
RE: Mango NYC Meetup
@shannon said in Mango NYC Meetup:
Great seeing everyone last night! Nice to meet you @FrostyPhoenix @tiagom!!!!
Nice to meet you as well!! Thank you for the supply run for pizza
RE: What was your FIRST IT job? And how did you get it?
@Minion-Queen said in What was your FIRST IT job? And how did you get it?:
Was the receptionist for Digital Computer Corporation and hung out with the Helpdesk team a lot. Started learning how to do bench services and basic office troubleshooting.
That's cool! I have an office services bg/copy boy kinda thing. Never imagined to be working in IT 8 years later