So, I'm thinking about building a home lab made of various servers and software, mostly for learning purposes and with very minimal traffic. These are my current specs:
-250GB hard drive
-Intel E7500 core 2 duo processor running at 2.93 GHz
-Onboard NIC
I intend to install/build these:
-VMWare Vsphere Hypervisor(free edition)
-Veeam Backup (free edition)
VMWare will hold the Webserver and PBX as virtual hosts. Does this seem feasible to you guys? Basically I'm operating on a budget somwhere between "Ha." and "Pick the paycheck you're pulling out of very wisely, and replace things on your current desktop. the old hardware can go to this."
A lot of jobs are looking for examples of things that I've done, and I want to be able to tout the current things listed, and use them if possible for home. I will be building a website to act as a portfolio on the webserver and detail the progress in all of this. If you have better suggestions than what I've listed, please let me know.