I'm really curious how long the whole process takes with one of those high-tech toilet seats. Seems like it would double bathroom time.

Best posts made by Dominica
RE: High-tech toilet seats: no hands or paper required
RE: MangoCon 2016 - Hotel is NOT Fully Booked Yet
@RojoLoco Southwest: Atlanta to Rochester with a layover at BWI (easy airport) for $286 round trip if you don't mind flying at 6am, 9/13 - 9/18
RE: Pissy Reporter on Amazon Fire Phone
He comes across as bitter and pathetic, and not at all funny. How does he still have a job?
RE: SpiceCorps DFW 8Dec16 Meetup in Carrollton
It was a fun night, akin to the old days when @scottalanmiller and I used to host.
Chocolate Chip cookies made with honey
These were a complete success! I'm so excited. The girls and I made these together and I'm snacking on them warm from the oven drool
RE: Veeam Endpoint Backup FREE
Cool! Awesome move for Veeam. There's nothing like a useful, free product to gain loyal fans.
RE: Anyone else laughing about the title of this board?
That's because we share a brain
RE: MangoCon 2016 - Hotel is NOT Fully Booked Yet
@RojoLoco Short layovers and you have to change planes. If you travel carry-on, you'll be golden. No worries about lost luggage.
RE: A Sunflower Blooms
Thanks, fixed now. That's what you get for letting your husband get involved, no proof reading. But most of you are used to that by now from him.
RE: Chocolate Chip cookies made with honey
The girls have eaten about a dozen of these cookies today. I probably should have cut them off earlier, but it's been a long time since they had freshly baked cookies, and they are enjoying the cookies so much that I didn't have the heart, lol.
RE: #thingssaidatmangocon
@scottalanmiller "Pretty much, as long as I'm talking, nothing really bothers me."
Well that explains it.
El Paso Zoo lets you name a cockroach after your ex for Valentine's Day...
This zoo will name a cockroach after your ex, then feed it to a meerkat on Valentine's Day
Looking to get yourself a present this Valentine's Day? The El Paso Zoo has you covered. It will name a cockroach after your ex and then feed it to a meerkat live on camera.
You can message the zoo on Facebook with your ex's name, then wait patiently for February 14 to watch the roach get devoured during the "Quit Bugging Me" meerkat event, which will live-stream on Facebook and the zoo's website. The names of those exes will also be displayed around the meerkat exhibit and on social media starting February 11. The zoo calls it "the perfect Valentine's Day gift."
RE: So i googled Water Closet...
@scottalanmiller said:
@lamen said:
[Uhhh... I guess that's a good name for this section of the forums.]
Exactly. All the s$&t goes here.
chrome makes this look like nonsense, and Scott yelled at me for not knowing what "samp;t" meant.
RE: Role play Session
@coliver said in Role play Session:
@DustinB3403 said in Role play Session:
As the manager would be an NPC of sorts where high rolls he gets to destroy you.
But if it is based on your charisma score you would roll the die and add you charisma... wow. You know what nevermind I just realized I'm arguing DnD on a public forum.
This made me giggle, but yeah, you're right, although if the roll was a mid roll, the DM would probably roll as the NPC manager to see if you were effective.
RE: Is There Another Silicon Valley Bubble?
@scottalanmiller You would think the new startups would have learned from the last dotcom collapse, but really, these are probably the same people, with new money, doing the same thing.
RE: Purely NOC: A CD Compilation of Hit Network Operations Center Songs [VIDEO]
@BigTimmy I was also impressed with the amount of work that must have gone into making that, and the attention to detail - matching the style to each original artist. I would have spittake if coffee had been in my mouth for the last one. I want to know who owns those jammies.
RE: A name has become necessary
From The Alternative Spanish Dictionary:
mango (noun, masc.)
very sexy man (Mex. Spanish); This term actally refers to the enticing taste of the tropical fruit. An example of its usage: "Chihuahua!!! Mire a ese mango!!!"
mango de manila (phrase)
sexy woman (Mexican slang)http://www.datapacrat.com/True/LANG/REAL/dictiona/SPANISH.HTM
RE: Here Is How Much I Love VIPRE for AV
@scottalanmiller said:
I used Panda a little a decade ago. Was never that impressed.
But I liked how it said "Pahndah anteevirus"
RE: Free Azure and Office 365 Microsoft Exams
Make sure you get enough vouchers to take all the tests you want to take. Scott didn't notice that you get one voucher at a time until I pointed it out.