I'm just asking for my account to be removed or deactivated. That's it. Please let me know if this can be done. Thank you.

Posts made by DenisKelley
RE: Moderators Denying Ability to Explain
RE: Moderators Denying Ability to Explain
Can someone please remove my account. I'm not on here that much and the Mango vs SW stuff is tiring to me. I don't see any way to remove or deactivate my account, so mods, please either show me how or do it on my behalf. Thanks!
RE: This Is Who Is Teaching College
I thought this was debunked by Snopes https://goo.gl/lZ1RIr
RE: Time for me to move on from Webroot
Nice threadjack guys.
Have fun at your new job Nic!
RE: Weekend Plans
@thwr said in Weekend Plans:
@DenisKelley said in Weekend Plans:
As one who lived in Munich for about 8 years, Octoberfest is awesome.
I'm not saying it's bad, but it's pretty much about commerce. And I won't stop you if you like to pay such prices in a place that's so crowded with people that you can barely take a breath:
"Mass Bier" - 10,40 to 10,70 EUR
Coke - 9,27 EURSources: http://www.oktoberfest2016.de/bierpreise.htm, http://www.oktoberfest.de/de/article/Aktuell/Meldungen/Die+offiziellen+Bierpreise+2016/4606/
Yeah, that's pricey. Lived there before the wall fell and exchange rates with the DM were great.
RE: Weekend Plans
As one who lived in Munich for about 8 years, Octoberfest is awesome.
RE: xByte Offering Free Veeam Availability Assessment. Plus $25 Amazon gift card.
Or you can just install the free Version of VeeamOne and run the builtin reports.
Gift cards are nice though.
Wedding bells - Huw and Gabrielle - help the happy couple get drunk. :)
The wedding is quickly approaching and like any other wedding, we want them drunk
They specifically said they didn't want any gifts. But hell, don't let that stop you. Every little bit will help them drink more and who doesn't want the bride and groom drunk off their ass for the ceremony?
I know a lot of people can't go (including me) but that doesn't mean we can't help them celebrate. Lots of small gifts will quickly add up and you can be anonymous if you'd like.
Give a little, give a lot... at least visit the page and think of the happy couple.
RE: HP Microserver RAID controller
They are okay units. The unit I reviewed on Spiceworks used the B-series software raid. It currently is the replication target and has been running almost continually for almost 2 years. As for running for a small office, I'd be more comfortable with a better card.
RE: Quick Guide to Windows 2012 R2 RDS Licensing
@scottalanmiller said in Quick Guide to Windows 2012 R2 RDS Licensing:
@DenisKelley said in Quick Guide to Windows 2012 R2 RDS Licensing:
From an old Microsoft post and I'm paraphrasing here:
Joe Business User: Hey, I have 300 users that need to use MS Office on RDS, but really only 10 will be connecting. So how many licenses do I need to purchase?
Microsoft: 300.
I don't know why someone would even need clarification there. What part of "300 users using Office on RDS" would prompt a question? How could that possibly be clearer or more obvious.
I need five cars, how many do I have to buy. Um.. five.
It's quite simple, Scott. As you noted they make both User and Device CALs pretty much across all their platforms except for MS Office. It is only available as a Device CAL.
RE: Quick Guide to Windows 2012 R2 RDS Licensing
It is not so much that RDS licensing is complicated. I see more folks struggle with licensing Microsoft Office on RDS than anything else.
From an old Microsoft post and I'm paraphrasing here:
Joe Business User: Hey, I have 300 users that need to use MS Office on RDS, but really only 10 will be connecting. So how many licenses do I need to purchase?
Microsoft: 300.
Joe Business User: [Comment deleted by Moderator]
Next add some of the Enterprise benefits of O365 and it gets even more confusing.
.................My two pennies.
RE: The Shannara Chronicles
I've read all the books and many multiple times, including the Elfstones, and after watching the series, just got more and more pissed off. The big thing is that in this book, there was little indication of the world of technology. You know, the apocalypse.
I kept trying to detach myself from the books, but just couldn't.
RE: Windows 7 Rollup
Just a note that the rollup breaks some VMware networking, specifically VMXNet3 adapters.
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/06/01/vmware_says_windows_7_update_breaks_networking_tool/ -
RE: Install ownCloud stable (currently 9.0.2) on CentOS 7
Followed the instructions to the letter except for Remi PHP 5.6 (will do next week), and worked flawlessly. Thanks. Quick question. Under Admin File Handling, the default is 513MB. Changing is greyed out with message of "Missing permissions to edit from here." Did quick google and see a few that have that issue and a couple of workarounds that, TBH, confuse. Care to note how to change that?
RE: Shrinking and Extending Disks
C and D are physically separate disks or vmdk files. They are sitting on a VMware datastore. You could individually shrink C and grow D with a utility, but you can't chunk off space from C logically and give it to D. Remember these are just files logically presented to your VM as disks.
RE: Gravatars Are Gone
So I guess, what? We get one year of free credit monitoring?
RE: Standard HP Printer Management Password
I believe HP Web JetAdmin can do this:
http://www8.hp.com/us/en/solutions/business-solutions/printingsolutions/wja.html -
RE: Ransomware Conversation Derailment Discussion Fork
See that ludicrous display last night? What was Wenger thinking, sending Walcott on that early?
RE: Ransomware Conversation Derailment Discussion Fork
@scottalanmiller said in Ransomware Conversation Derailment Discussion Fork:
@DenisKelley said in Ransomware Conversation Derailment Discussion Fork:
WTF is an organic conversation?
A normal one where topics lead directly from one to another rather than having non-sequiturs where someone tries to switch topics.
I call Buzzword Bingo!