This is why those on site engineer warranties are a bad idea. You forget how to do the simplest of tasks.

Controversial posts made by Deleted74295
RE: How Many Engineers Does It Take To Remove the PSU Cage from a DL385?
RE: Windows restore from system image (Windows 7 Professional)
Yes but the time to try taking a backup is not when the HDD is in a failed state. Any backup tool might struggle to properly take an image of a failing disk.
Anyway. You need three drives, the old failing, a backup target and the new one.
The order should be.
Create rescue DVD on a working Win-7 machine.
Take image via Windows backup to a third HDD
Install Windows 7 on new HDD
Then restore from the backup. -
RE: Is CloudFlare Working for the NSA
The current title is like saying Democrats are working for Russia....
Organisations get breached without needing to "work" for the attacker.
RE: Netscaler in smb opinion
What do you get for giving them hours of your time? Regardless of the product, that is irrelevant.
What are you gaining by committing that block of time? What benefit does it bring to you? What does it bring to the company?
RE: Sanity check: Print Server upgrade
@Dashrender said:
If all goes well, one should be able to create 15 security groups and 1 GPO with 15 printers in under 1 hour, assuming all of the needed info/drivers are already available. Assuming you don't want to pay the consultants to download the drivers, you should do that first.
The tricky bit is, they might be looking to stack up the hours, so I suspect they will fight/argue about it tooth and nail to raise the hours. I would hesitate to assume a printer vendor carries IT professionals whose goal is to swoop in, do the job, swoop out rapidly.
@Carnival-Boy said:
Another quick question as I really don't know how print servers work. My vendor has expressed concerns about printer compatibility with Server 2012r2.
Could be valid here. How old are the printers? If they were bought during the XP era then you might have a problem. If they are newer than that, then you should be absolutely fine.
When they "expressed concerns" what does that mean in reality? Did they tell you:
A) You need to buy new printers
B.) This job will take longer for us, therefore pay us more.
C) We think we can do it BUT there might be issues, we've not done printers to 2012R2 before.It could need to just bypass the printer vendor and look for a UK IT consultant to just swing in and do it, this should be dead easy to do.
RE: Sanity check: Print Server upgrade
@thecreativeone91 said:
If they don't apply they will still have the old ones. It's rare to have issues with these sort of policies.
But are you willing to guarantee that the vendor will definitely do this with no disruption or downtime? Ultimately it's the OP who might have to have an awkward conversation with his boss if people can't print for an hour.
It's far better to assume the worst then assume the best. Policy Printer IssueAnd this is by no means a "rare" issue. Even the most benign of settings can go wrong.