There is a new vulnerability for Xen
There is a patch as noted below:
Best posts made by dbeato
XEN Vulnerability
RE: I can't even
@momurda said in I can't even:
@dbeato Yea, but have you tried the logins?
I am not getting involved on that
RE: Turning off patching
@ccwtech said in Turning off patching:
he Meltdown and Spectre patching issues, have you turned off patching for now? Why or why not?
I have not, I have actually installed the updates on Servers and Workstations and have not noticed any issue so far. Better be safe than sorry.
Unifi Debian Base Upgrade issue
If you are trying to upgrade your Unifi to the latest version and you get the following error:
Get:3 stable InRelease [3,023 B] Reading package lists... Done E: Repository ' stable InRelease' changed its 'Codename' value from 'unifi-5.6' to 'unifi-5.7' N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.
To fix this issue, just run the following command
apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
Then you will be able to upgrade your Unifi
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@eddiejennings said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Reassigning tickets back to our help desk so they can do some basic troubleshooting.
That's called delegation very good indeed.
RE: Halting Windows 10 1803 Updates
@scottalanmiller said in Halting Windows 10 1803 Updates:
What are people doing to halt the roll out of 1803? You can do things from the GUI, you can stop the update service, etc.
Ideally from the command line, is there a good way to switch things to being off the early release channel or outright stopping 1803 until "manually" allowed?
We setup Defer updates in the GPO with Current Branch for Business instead of Current Branch Under:
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update > Windows Update for Business
Then Open the Select when Preview Builds and Feature Updates are received policy policy, enable it and then Change it to Semi-Annual Channel -
RE: What is your perspective on the overall tone of interactions here on ML?
@flaxking said in What is your perspective on the overall tone of interactions here on ML?:
@irj said in What is your perspective on the overall tone of interactions here on ML?:
I like the tone, once you get used to it. It keeps you on your toes and makes you a better IT professional.
I do agree it can be harsh for new people, but honestly I dont give a fuck. I like the challenging attitude.
I feel the same. This is a discussion forum, not a QA site. Everything is open to be challenged, even if it wasn't the main topic of the post. Sometimes people's assumptions need to be identified and challenged before a question can really be answered.
Imagine what kind of power trip @scottalanmiller is no one challenged some of his posts head on
We have @JaredBusch for that
Unifi Upgrade from 5.7.23 to 5.8.24 MongoDB upgrade issue
So I updated my Unifi Sources as the below: based on this1. Use the following command to add a new source list: echo 'deb stable ubiquiti' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/100-ubnt-unifi.list NOTE: Using on a browser will result in a 403 Forbidden page. This is because we do not allow direct listing/access to this link. The URL is only meant to be used when using the CLI commands as in the one shown above. 2. Add the GPG Keys. To add the GPG Keys use one of the two methods described below, Method A is recommended. When using the commands below, it is assumed you have sudo and wget installed, more information about sudo can be found here, and wget here. User Tip: For Ubuntu 18.04, run the following commands before installing UniFi in step 4. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 0C49F3730359A14518585931BC711F9BA15703C6 echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] xenial/mongodb-org/3.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.4.list sudo apt update. Click to copy See an example of what scripts the Community is using to install the UniFi Controller on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 in this Community post. (Method A) Download and install the following trusted key into /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/unifi-repo.gpg (Method B) Using apt-key. sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv 06E85760C0A52C50 3. Update. Retrieve the latest package information. Note: If this results in an error, please check the User Tip below. sudo apt update 4. Install and upgrade the UniFi controller. sudo apt install unifi
But I got this error
I fixed that error as below... since I needed it
sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/mongodb-org-server_3.4.16_amd64.deb sudo apt-get install -f
Then it upgraded properly to Unifi 5.8.24
Maybe this will help someone.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Finally got Exchange working on Let's Encrypt with Win-ACME
RE: Convert .ost to .pst
If you have the original Outlook profile for that OST file then you can export directly from Outlook to PST without any tools. Otherwise you are going to need to pay for a tool such as Stellar OST to PST or other options.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Got my Nginx SSL Proxy to be using Certbot with CLoudflare DNS verification and it is renewing automatically
RE: Frustration with Office 2016 and MS Project Pro 2016
I also used the ODT as below
setup.exe /download configuration.xmlInstall
setup.exe /configure configuration.xml -
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@DustinB3403 said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Just fixed the Company LED Christmas tree, someone was so kind to rip the cable in-half from the plug that fed the top half of the tree. So I had to make a small extension cable and wire it back together.
And got a user workstation backup and running. No video signal.
Time for Coffee.
If it got a power cable, it must be IT
Setup LetsEncrypt Certbot with CLoudFlare DNS authentication (Ubuntu)
This guide assumes you have an Nginx SSL Proxy as the tutorial of @JaredBusch below: that you have his configuration see below
First you need to add the certbot repository
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
Then you install the software-properties-common package
sudo apt install software-properties-common
Update the repositories
sudo apt update
Install the Certbot for Nginx
sudo apt-get install python-certbot-nginx
Install the Python-Pip package
sudo apt install python-pip
Install the Pip Module for Certbot-dns-cloudflare
sudo pip install certbot-dns-cloudflare
Get your CloudFlare API key setup a secret file with your key on whichever path you want, I chose the /root/.secrets folder,
sudo mkdir /root/.secrets sudo chmod 0700 /root/.secrets/ sudo touch /root/.secrets/cloudflare.cfg sudo chmod 0400 /root/.secrets/cloudflare.cfg
Edit the /root/.secrets/cloudflare.cfg by using nano
sudo nano /root/.secrets/cloudflare.cfg
Edit the file and enter your CloudFlare Email and your API key as below
dns_cloudflare_email = "[email protected]" dns_cloudflare_api_key = "2018c330b45f4ghytr420eaf66b49c5cabie4"
Request a single, SAN or wildcard SSL Certificate from Cloudflare as below
sudo /usr/local/bin/certbot certonly --dns-cloudflare --dns-cloudflare-credentials /root/.secrets/cloudflare.ini -d,* --preferred-challenges dns-01
Results should be as below
Then I added a cronjob as below
14 5 * * * /usr/local/bin/certbot renew --quiet --post-hook "/usr/sbin/service nginx reload" > /dev/null 2>&1
Then I added manually the configuration for SSL on the Nginx Configuration File
sudo nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/domain.conf
Added this section
listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; # managed by Certbot include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-nginx.conf; # managed by Certbot ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem; # managed by Certbot
Check your configuration
sudo nginx -t
Reload Nginx
sudo nginx -s reload
Patching Zimbra in Ubuntu
Patching Zimbra in Ubuntu and other platforms has gotten much better
All I needed to do was thisAs root, install the patch. Type below command
apt-get update apt-get install zimbra-patch
Switch to user zimbra
su – zimbra
ZCS must be restarted to changes to take effect. Type below command
zmcontrol restart
Same can be done on CentOS.
Downloading full Website offline
So I have been playing around with downloading a site offline for archiving purposes. In this case I have written scripts for the below:
For a Full Website (This will download the whole site as it is)
wget -mkEpnp
For a group of Posts in numerical order(This example downloads all the topics from Mangolassi)
#!/bin/bash for i in {1..2200000} do wget -mkEpnp$i done
RE: Installing printers in Fedora 29 Linux
You can use CUPS Command Line -p PrinterName -E -v socket://ip.address.of.printer -m printerdriver.ppd