Not sure who all here has experience with AirWatch...
I've been attempting to try out AirWatch for my company since early last week. I signed up for the 30-day trial on their website but never heard back from a sales rep, which is really odd because usually salespeople are all over any hint of product interest and I have to fight them off with a stick.
After a few calls back to vmware, I finally got someone to help me only to have them tell me that someone else would have to help me. Then, that other person eventually got back to me but then after a few days, he handed me off to another guy who was the sales specialist for my area. He basically just copied the guy on an email and then I didn't hear from the guy until I initiated yet another email asking to have a trial set up. Then he finally response with a very short email asking the number of users. I tell him that info, plus my needs and then he just suggests that I try AirWatch Express first which I set up myself and does not need the involvement of anyone from vmware.
So I go through and set up AirWatch Express and it seems to work fine, except certain things don't fully work the way we need. I spend hours going through documentation and the knowledge base only to realize that most this stuff is not specifically for AirWatch Express, it's just for regular AirWatch. I mean, they seem to be about the same, except Express has a lot less features. I did find one section on Express (a kb filter) but nothing ever shows up.
Anyway, after a long time of dicking with Express, I decided I want to just try the trial of regular AirWatch. So I emailed the guy back and have yet to hear from him.. granted it's only been about 6 hours so far this time, so I'm just being patient for now.
So one thought that crossed my mind: Is AirWatch or AirWatch Express even alive anymore? Or is it just one of those "ghost ship" products where they keep it alive to suck in money, but that nobody really supports... I mean, I noticed the website seems pretty slow too and graphics don't always load the first time. Seems really odd over-all.