I'm intent on you a SAM correcting the 3 Authors I quoted and let's see how that goes.
Usually SAM won't chime in at this point, I've asked you 2 to Directly Correct their Statements on the Kernel vs OS.
Please do so as I've asked
I'm intent on you a SAM correcting the 3 Authors I quoted and let's see how that goes.
Usually SAM won't chime in at this point, I've asked you 2 to Directly Correct their Statements on the Kernel vs OS.
Please do so as I've asked
Then email the 3 references I posted and tell them it's not an OS and have them correct thier postings.
SAM you have so many like but you're so stupid at times.. WTF is wrong with you, are rewriting history?
SAM you yourself said it's an "Out of the box working FTP server" yes?
So does a Kernel do that or an OS? I'm confused?
I'd expect you'd correct the 3 references ASAP that I mentioned or I'll refer this thread to their attention that you are calling them ignorant.
Linux is not an Operating system? Well tell these guys, they must be stupid.
and these guys too and they are linux.com lol.
and change this damn Wiki Page