I'm intent on you a SAM correcting the 3 Authors I quoted and let's see how that goes.
Usually SAM won't chime in at this point, I've asked you 2 to Directly Correct their Statements on the Kernel vs OS.
Please do so as I've asked
I'm intent on you a SAM correcting the 3 Authors I quoted and let's see how that goes.
Usually SAM won't chime in at this point, I've asked you 2 to Directly Correct their Statements on the Kernel vs OS.
Please do so as I've asked
Then email the 3 references I posted and tell them it's not an OS and have them correct thier postings.
SAM you yourself said it's an "Out of the box working FTP server" yes?
So does a Kernel do that or an OS? I'm confused?
I'd expect you'd correct the 3 references ASAP that I mentioned or I'll refer this thread to their attention that you are calling them ignorant.
Did I say something about certify? No, and yes you have to be certified to work as a tech on Cannon, Richo, Etc..
Just like Dell and HP etc....
Oh and my Netgear Readynas RAID 5
1100's are pushing 9 years no Failures OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!