Ohio Scientific, Trash 80?

Posts made by ChrisJ
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
Yes, in the garage, in 20 years maybe as the apple 2+ worth 5$, she spent 2700 for it, and I feel it is not depreciated yet, decomposed yes, but wow I cant throw out 2700. I know garbage when I see it, I wish she would have asked me first, that is when I started to bring work pc's home.
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
OOP's Proliant should be Presario, home machine. My Wife bought it for me as a gift. Proliants were at work, and workhorses they were. NT4 Days, replacing Novell servers left and right.
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
I still own a 200 hz proliant, in my garage somewhere, whole 6gb drive and all. Backplane made upgrade's a Compaq only design. Great proprietary machine that will never be more than it is.
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
@scottalanmiller No, I am sorry, the first part was in jest, the rest true. PC (Compaq) is old with no good formal bus training, should have clarified this. I 'believe' you wish not to age yourself as I do. I have removed Compaq from my vocabulary. Sorry thing, once I was certified for their products. Hmmm.
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
@scottalanmiller Sure, I 'believe' you. Yes old with no good formal bus training. I am impressed to see your article, and the depth of your input. Thank You.
RE: Wide Format Color Printers
Fusers that look like large print heads for heat/thermal transfer are used. One that is a film printer, and yes expensive, is the Gerber Edge, it uses film for a very clean output. On vinyl.
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
Sorry, I was thinking of your Compaq Deskpro. Compaq, do not age yourself that way. (HP thrown in for good measure).
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
PCIe is good, but in most cases I have seen it is primarily for graphics, so it is designed for large data transfers to the bus, and transactions back seem to be for result based calc's. I would like to know more about PCIe, and its connection to the source, time to visit a Maker's site.
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
Even SSD's work on the SATA subsystem - SSD efficient, but what of the SATA limit? Drives will need to be 'on the board' with more efficient connections (Direct SSD?) Chip storage is going that direction I believe.
RE: CPUs, Cores and Threads: How Many Processors Do I Have?
I enjoyed your presentation, having run a IBM Power 7 series, where you pay to have additional processors (Cores) online. You can use one, or pay to open up the other's. Novel concept. Hyperthreading has always been misleading IMHO when you suddenly see 2 representations of a processor in area's like task manager, 1 core, 2 processors, Hyper. I am always amazed at the speed of a system travelling up, now bus configurations need to be changed so memory is more efficient, HDD - always seems to bottleneck, you never want your processor starved for information to be processed. What of systems that cant get information to the processor fast enough or efficiently -32 on a 64 comes to mind. Even SSD cannot cope, and any SATA will be for drive speed not processor power. Seems information arriving to the processor, cannot be fast enough - you will eventually, in clock cycles, empty cache - just a pipe dream of moving slow to faster, but still you need to fill cache? To truly implement speed, many bus, sources, and methods of moving data will need to be re-examined.
RE: Wide Format Color Printers
Working with sign shops you have many options, inkjet, laser, and since there is low page count ink price may not be a consideration. You can find many printers from reputable company's that run from 12-13" to ***. Epson and HP come to mind. If ever you wish to expand your PPM, Laser would beat Ink in cost per page if that is a consideration for you. And if you ever wish to expand your page size, a few extra inches would not be a bad idea also. Look to the future.
RE: Why Does Open Source Matter?
Open source has been a very important tool in the operation of many cheaper systems, by cheaper, I mean company's who want the best, for the least. Been there done that. But, we used a Zip program that had a 4gb limitation, probably due to the limitations in place at the time of writing/modification. There were no warnings on its help, or on user documentation. A 6gb structure was not being zipped, Music mostly ITunes. Sure no problem there, just the Owners Son. Documentation, patching after the fact? What of limitations as above? Backup's serve well but would not have been needed if we could have stored the dir in a non local storage device. Now testing is as thorough as you can get without knowing all sources modified since the first code was documented, and as above some documentation may not have been known by the author, whoever that might have been. Managers hate not having someone to scream at on the phone if some part of what they have used does not perform as advertised, HA. But still open source fills a void, one that some 'Licensed' code cannot fill. As long as this is true, pioneers will navigate through the code until the 'perfect' fit is found.
RE: File server got affected by .micro
Also to make sure the Backup is clean, that this is not something that has been a hidden but now 'discovered' process that has been running for weeks. Backup can be compromised. Most malware is considered a failure if it is detected, or on the other hand, needs to be detected for ransom, or just outright malice.
RE: File server got affected by .micro
I have cleaned malware, but never on a file server, or any other server in this respect. A pc, for repair, a compromised system hdd recovered, reimaged, but old image restored on another for inspection. There are so many hiding spaces even pc's are never trusted again after infection. Opening svchost's and other running processes never takes you to the process that is timed to show itself, and shut down. Searching every entry in even one process is a daunting task. Reliance on software to ferret out all the areas of attack implies the software can and will be ready for the zero day attack, the attackers have most if not all the tools we have to write code that gets around the products. You may stare a Microsoft entry in the face with no clue of it's true task - the many registry entry's, dll's, etc. Man I miss DOS.
RE: New IT Employee
I would be careful with initial admin passwords till you have a handle on how he/she tackles problems. It can be a pain correcting issues when 2-3 things are changed at the same time, and maybe not documented as well as you do it. If you have to go back, knowing where to go sure makes the battle a bit less hectic. Just my experience with teaching new employee's who may bump around in your system even with the well documented information you provide. Do you know his level of experience? For sure? I have had "Paper Techs" with certs, good at study and tests, but not at being inside or on an actual system. So I tend to err on caution, but if he/she is a performer then I have no issue allowing full access.
RE: BMW i3 All Electric is Out
Electric, still has carbon footprint, how do you generate electricity? Coal? Gas? (Nuclear although not much carbon, much anxiety) Hydro? Wind? Solar? So Electric goes big, and California goes Electric.
With the local infrastructure in place (Grid) when you add (? insert number here) cars to the Electrical grid now in place - gives a new meaning to Rolling vroom vroom Blackouts? HA. Will cost to upgrade electrical infrastructure to handle the load placed by electric vehicles being plugged in, and I don't suppose charging one means no amperage?For the auto industry to convert lines from gas, to electric - means major retooling of - Parts - Installation - Assembly - So much to do cost will be great. How many bailed out Corps would be interested in that expense? And still some Oil for Lubrication, that will not go away - moving parts need something (transmission?). Electric cars, and the plastic they use, the aluminum (smelted, or recycled needs electric), tires, will still cause the amount of carbon already used to create a car, block and interior.
Maybe that is why most company's have 1 or 2 flagship cars and some of the best come from Japanese car makers who were not involved in US Govt. bailouts (Most and Some - did not say all). It is a shame that when it comes down to it, seems like gas will not go away until wells dry up, then the food supply will probably become the next fuel source (Corn - Ethanol). When corn becomes fuel farmers will sell to highest bidder - Fuel or food, Ohhh competition for my Corn Pops which now cost $35 dollars a box.
Windows 7 Credential Manager
Has anyone seen the virtualapp/didlogical user in the generic credentials of credential manager? On new installs there is no such entry, but on many older systems there is this user usually with a username that begins 02*** and has a date for last modified. Have searched for files with this date and looked for anything out of the ordinary or in unusual areas that has changed during this time...It drives me batty to find such an entry for which I have no explanation - if I even thought It was related to something I run, I would install and test in order to create said entry in the Manager.
This is interesting, and the final username after the 02 is kind of / maybe a joke?
Huh joke is on me right??? -
RE: Windows 7 Hope this is Right Place
Yes, it is a hard time for me, I usually give better than I receive. Whining about it does not make it better for you or for me. In essence I am sorry.
I am new to this site, still feeling my way through things - built up expectations -etc. You have my take on one side of a problem I have here at work. Without Management chiming in - how do you know if I am being honest with you or just making myself look better?It would be easy to browbeat others and create scenario's where I am the hero and they are the villain, but we all have our reasons for doing things the way we do - right - or - wrong.
You be the judge? How on such meager amounts of information! It is like asking a pc graphic's problem but leaving out you are running corel x6 on a 486/66 with 64M Ram with onboard video, then asking "Why are my 5 meg JPG's taking so long to open? You would naturally assume (at least I may) core 2 duo, 1g ram, at the slow end - but alas Assume came onboard.
Thanks for your input, that is what was important. I may have been fishing, and you took the bait. Left me with some good advice, I unfortunately reacted hastily with hostility and jumped on you for it. No matter, It makes me look bad, but going with the rest of the story, I cannot convey the intense feeling of frustration to you I was under trying to avert what I perceived as a minor/major disaster (still not an excuse for that reaction).
Look how it rolls, downhill, even to people you don't know... Dealing with change easy, dealing with intense emotion's "Crazy Man". Again, Sorry, and thanks.... Maybe someway I can make amends? Then there is always time. Thanks!