@Pete-S said in Color Question:
You guys have a serious omission in your conversions. RGB values depend on the color space. While we often use sRGB color space for the web, that's not often the case when the file comes from somewhere else.
CMYK is used in printing because that's the color used in a 4-color offset printing press: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.
Logos or other things that need exact color reproduction are often printed in 5 or more colors where the logo has it's own premixed color, not made up by CMYK colors. These exact premixed colors are Pantone colors and there are sets of pantone color swatches so everyone can see what every color looks like. Every company that has a logo from a graphic designer have the pantone numbers for their logo. That is the original colors so to speak.
There is not an exact conversion between RGB and CMYK unless you make a lot of assumptions and this varies between software and settings. Just as an example assume that you make a print using CMYK colors and one paper have a slightly yellowish tone while the other is ultra white. Will the logo look the same on both of these prints made with exactly the same CMYK colors? No, it wont.
When dealing with print shops it's often best to send the original file to them and let them handle the RGB to CMYK conversion. A TIFF file with embedded color profile is the standard here.
And if you are printing something that needs to be an exact color, like a logo, you should give them the Pantone number for that color. If you don't have it, it's probably not that important.
Thanks for this explanation. This is along the lines I am looking for.
I understand that CMYK will look different of different colors of paper. It can even look vastly different on the SAME color of paper.
Is it even worthwhile having that CMYK value?
Those colors are based off a Pantone color. Here is the actual breakdown. Keep in mind, I do not think 287 is a color ... don't they usually have U or C after them? And even though the other 3 colors are U, I do think this 287 is a C.